1943 July 10 Operation Husky–Invasion of Sicily

Editor’s notes:  In July 1943 Armed Forces Network begins radio broadcasts to troops.  On7/5/43, in the Pacific, the US begins the assault to retake Solomon Islands.

7/3/43 Mission:

During the night of 2/3 Jul, Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF)
Wellingtons attack Olbia, Sardinia and Trapani, Sicily. The following day,
B-17's and B-25's hit Chilivani, Italy, and the airfields at Monserrato and Alghero, Sardinia. In Sardinia, fighters hit radar stations at Pula and Alghero, while B-26's bomb the airfields at Milis and Capoterra. In Sicily, Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) A-20's hit the area around Marsala and airfields at Sciaccay and Trapani.

7/4/43 Mission:

During the night of 3/4 Jul, Wellingtons hit Trapani, Sicily and Lido di
Roma, Italy. Leaflets are dropped in the Rome, Italy area. In Sicily, B-17's and B-26's hit the airfields at Catania and Gerbini; B-25's bomb 2 satellite airfields near Gerbini; and Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) A-20 and medium bombers hit airfields at Comiso, Trapani, Sciacca, and Castelvetrano.

7/5/43 Mission:

 Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) Wellingtons bomb the airfields at Villacidro, Sardinia and Catania, Sicily during the night of 4/5 Jul. In Sicily, NASAF fighters, medium and heavy bombers hit main and satellite airfields at Gerbini and radar stations at Marsala and Licata; Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) light and medium bombers hit Sciacca and airfields at Trapani, Comiso and Biscari. Northwest African Coastal Air Force (NACAF) airplanes maintain sea patrol, reconnaissance, and convoy escort.
From: 47th Bomb Grp.org

On 7/5/43, the second Private Snafu cartoon, “Gripes” was released: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2uBbuYV-Nw

7/6/43 Mission:

 In Sicily, Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) Wellingtons hit
Gerbini Airfield and 2 satellites during the night of 5/6 Jul; during predawn hours and throughout the day, light and medium bombers of Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) bomb airfields at Biscari, Sciacca, Trapani, and Comiso; NASAF B-17's again hit Gerbini Airfield and 3 satellite fields; B-25's bomb Biscari Airfield. Northwest African Coastal Air Force (NACAF) maintains sea patrol and convoy protection.

7/7/43 Mission:

 Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) Wellingtons bomb Palermo,
Sicily and airfields at Villacidro, Milis, and Pabillonis, Sardinia during the night of 6/7 Jul. In Sicily during the day, B-17's, B-25's, and B-26's bomb Gerbini satellite fields and Bo Rizzo Airfield, as P-40's fly a diversionary sweep over the W part of Sicily; Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) A-20's hit Sciacca during the night of 6/7 Jul, and the following day bomb airfields at Trapani, Biscari, Comiso, Bo Rizzo, and Mazara del Vallo, and hit Sciacca, and Marsala radar stations, Caltanissetta and Porto Empedocle.

7/7-8/43 Mission:

 In Sicily, Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) Wellingtons bomb
airfields at Comiso and Catania during the night of 7/8 Jul. During the day, B-17's, B-25's, and B-26's make several strikes against Gerbini and its satellite fields; P-38's strafe radar installations in the E part of Sicily; Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) light bombers hit Sciacca Airfield while medium bombers hit airfields at Biscari and Comiso; A-36's attack trucks, a train, railroads, highways, a sulphur plant, and a marshalling yard at several points in Sicily.

7/8/43In the Pacific, the U.S. is able to launch bombing raids from Midway Island to attack the Japanese on Wake Island.

Wake Island under attack

7/8-9/43 Mission:

In Sicily during the night of 8/9 Jul, Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) Wellingtons bomb the airfields at Catania, Gerbini, and Comiso, and throughout the following day B-17's, B-25's, B-26's, and fighters attack other targets, including Sciacca and Biscari Airfields, Gerbini satellite field, and Cape Passero Island radar stations; and Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) planes hit Sciacca and Milo Airfield during the night of 8/9 Jul, and on 9 Jul hit Milo and Biscari Airfields, Sciacca, Porto Empedocle, HQ at Taormina, a junction NE of Gela, the Canicatti area, and targets of opportunity.

7/9-10/43 Mission:

In Sicily during the night of 9/10 Jul, Northwest African Strategic Air
Force (NASAF) Wellingtons bomb Catania, Syracuse, the Syracuse Isthmus seaplane base and the railroad station at Syracuse, and Caltagirone; North- west African Air Force Troop Carrier Command flies airborne operations to drop British and US paratroops; the US Seventh and British Eighth Armies make amphibious landings on the S and SE coast of Sicily.  Northwest Afri- can Tactical Air Force (NATAF) A-36's hit railroads, road junctions, trains, and vehicles while P-40's fly cover for amphibious landinps. NATAF light and medium bombers hit airfields at Sciacca, Canicatti, Ponte Olivo, and Trapani, and towns and surrounding areas of Caltagirone and Palazzolo. Throughout the day NASAF B-17's and B-25's bomb Milo and Sciacca Airfields, Gerbini satellite fields, and towns of Palazzolo and Caltanissetta, Sicily. P-38's on sweep strafe radar
installation. [All mission reports from: http://www.milhist.net/usaaf/mto43b.html]

On the night of July 9th and into the 10th,  the Allies begin the  land invasion of the Island of Sicily (“Operation Husky”).  This helps gain control of the Mediterranean Waters around the southern part of Italy and provides a staging area for troops and planes for the eventual invasion of Italy.

Just after dawn men of the Highland Division are up to their waists in water unloading stores from landing craft tanks. Meanwhile beach roads are being prepared for heavy and light traffic during dawn of the opening day of the invasion of Sicily.
A 17917
Part of
Parnall, C H (Lt)
Royal Navy official photographer

7/10/43 V-mail
North Africa

Hello Angel:
Gee, you’re beautiful! I’d give everything in this world to hold you in my arms, mess up your hair, and generally make myself obnoxious. You better take a lot of vitamin pills the last month before I get home, for you’ll need ‘em.
When am I going to get a picture of your latest anniversary present? Get the same guy to make them as the ones of the engagement ring are beautiful. When your hair is long enough for a real pretty up-do, I want a couple of shots of that too. I want it all piled up on top.
I spent the evening with Bob Paul, John Harsh, Jay Stout, & Chuck Cassidy.

Willy Gaus, Jack & Ann Mercer, CHUCK CASSIDY, Jane & Ed Bland Dec. 1941

They’ve gotten into the show now and are having some fun. I wish I could be with them to ease them over some of the bumps.
We had some fun on one of our picnics. Jerry fighters got through and were most objectionable until my gunner potted one and the rest of the gunners went to work. We must have spoiled their sleep, for one Jerry I saw quite closely hadn’t shaved and it was 6 AM already. Don’t worry, as uncle Cy has everything under control.
Chase Olmstead is over here. Bob saw him.
I am sending you $300 this month. I’m near the big city and trying to get a little relaxation before the next show. Good eats are putting a hole in the old pocketbook. I love you so much, honey.

Your own Cy.

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