1944 June 26 I answered the phone twice and made one decision this week

6/26/44 #101


As I mentioned in the previous letter, I am starting a new series of numbers beginning with 100 as I seem to have misplaced my old check list.  Incidentally, I have three #75s from you.  Whatsa matter—you can’t count?

This morning I was all set to go out and catch up on my flying time for the month.  After I got there, I found that they had put the ship in the depot for repairs and it wouldn’t be ready for four days.  I guess I shall have to fly something else.  I’m getting fond of flying some of the little stuff as it is more fun and you don’t have to keep talking to the rest of the crew and staff.  Solitude is wonderful.

I’ve spent two days reading Henney’s RE handbook, and it is getting to the point where I can talk a pretty fair line of bull.  When I finish reading it, I shall go back through and work out all of the derivations to get my hand back in.  Damn it all, I miss flying one hell of a lot.  I’m probably about the most confused young man in the world when it comes to my future.  I think I shall quit worrying about it as something always comes up that changes all my plans.  In the meantime, I shall continue to study in the spare part of my hard days work (I’ve answered the phone twice today and made one decision this week!)

Maggy wrote to me and sent a hell of a nice picture of little TP, who ain’t so little anymore. When she does write, it is good, but it only happens about twice a year.  I have finished mounting all my pictures but about 6 which are almost identical to ones I have mounted.

Hey, how’s the full length coming out?  Also, you haven’t mentioned it, did you know I asked for a full-size photo of the shoulders and up?  The ones I have are so small and can’t visualize the best technique of messing up your hair, and I want to get properly briefed on that before I get home.  A bunch of mail just came in, wonder if I have any.

The enclosure is something you can add to the collection of toilet paper and beer labels I have already sent home.  Will you put them in a separate album, and let me know what you have in it.  That way, if something has been yanked out by the censors I may be able to send it through again.  The rules on foreign currency for example.

Hell, I just got a letter out of the batch which I sent to Burt about a month ago and it is marked “deceased” by his group adjutant.

Love you honey, but don’t feel much like writing.  Cy