1944 January 7 “This entire group has me completely stymied”

1/7/44 Mission:

   In Italy, B-25's strike Perugia Airfield; A-20's hit defenses in close
support of the US Fifth Army; B-26's hit the marshalling yards at Foligno and Arezzo and attack a bridge at Roccasecca; A-36's hit gun positions, trucks, and trains in the Cervaro- Aquino-Cassino area, bomb the Aquino station, and hit the Velletri railway yards; P-40's give close support in the Monte Maio, Monte La Chiaia, Monte Porchia, and Cedro Hill areas as the US Fifth Army drives toward the Rapido River.
Italy battle lines near Cassino, Jan. 1944

1/7/44 Italy
Hi Toots:
I just bought a pencil in my PX ration and I can’t resist the urge to use it.
The writing folder that the Randalls sent me for Christmas has a place for your pictures, and it sure makes me feel close to you to be able to look at you while I write.
Phooey, I like the pen better.
Doggone you! I’ve tried for four years to get your hair put up. Boy, from what Mother says, and from the picture’s effect on the local populace, I’m sure missing something.
Honey, you may think I’m nuts, but what would your reaction be to my getting into the Diplomatic Corps after the war? I don’t know enough about it yet, but it might be an interesting possibility. A rolling stone may gather no moss, but neither does it not become eroded.
The nurses are all confused. My chart shows my age as 27, and I’ve told them it was 21 and 24. They don’t know which. As a result, everybody calls me “Junior”. The attitude of the hospital staff over here is enough to cure anybody. I have never seen a better bunch. It makes me think of Earl Maxwell, Fry, and Glover.
There was ice on the ground this morning. You can just be very happy for me that I’m a pilot and not a ground officer in infantry or artillery. They really go through hell. Of course, we get it much rougher when we are catching hell.
This jaundice is funny stuff. It doesn’t show until 80% of your liver is not working. That is why they are so careful. When you appear to be alright, you are still only 20% ok. Although I have felt fine for 2 weeks, they want to be absolutely sure before turning me loose. It is a good idea.
I haven’t heard from the squadron since the 1st, and naturally have received no mail. They should bring some in a couple of days.
I am very discouraged about the squadron. They obviously think no more of me than they do of the pups which hang around the mess hall. It may have a favorable meaning in a way, as I have been quite strict and made them work hard. But I have obviously made no friends. This entire group has me completely stymied. I have been with them for 6 months or more and am still definitely an outsider. I have established a reputation for fairness and honesty, and that is about all. My record is covered with “superior”s and yet my opinion is not respected at all. The obvious answer is to relax and enjoy same and eventually the situation will change. I want very much to get someplace where I can work hard and see some results. My main enjoyment in life is the completion of a hard job in a satisfactory manner. Frankly, combat flying, if it gets no worse than it has been, is a pushover. It is dangerous, but a little self-discipline can stave off fear. I would feel much more useful in any kind of an engineering job than I feel in the one I now have.
Well, enough griping. I’ve stood it for six months now, and I can put up with another six. After that, I’m afraid I shall blow up and get into a situation with less B.S. in it.
Hey! If a light sleeper sleeps lighter with a light on, does a hard sleeper sleep harder with a window open?
P.S. I love you.