1944 November 27: Promotion bounced again

11/26/44: Heinrich Himmler orders the crematoriums and gas chambers of Auschwitz II-Birkenau dismantled and blown up.

11/27/44 V-Mail


Hi Honey:

            This is the pay-off.  Today is my second anniversary in grade—and my promotion bounced again.  Nothing wrong with it, just that they changed the system again.  Obviously, overseas service, combat time, technical ability, time in grade, good personal habits, and initiative mean nothing.  I have often felt that apple-polishing was the main factor in getting promoted.  If, after my promotion has been in suspense another month, it is tossed out, I shall lose all faith in the powers that be.  Something stinks when an officer can have that happen with a record as clean as mine.

            Well, maybe it will come through next month.  I wish I had you here now.  Love—

            Your high ranking major.  Cy