1938 April 25 Testing the Waters


Dear Marty:

It was awfully sweet of you to remember my birthday.  I never remember yours, and yet, year after year, you always drop me a card or something to remind me that I have snuck through another year.

Well, Marty, let’s get down to biz.  First, I’m all for you.  Sometime when I get in a talkative mood I’ll air a few of the first-class blunders I have made.  But enough of that.

What you done?  Is it a separation or a divorce?  I hope you’ll take this as interested and not curious, my fran.  Unload on your uncle Cy, it’ll do you good.  Shall I address letters to Mary Martha Willis, as before, or to M.P.K?  If you don’t want to air your views, just give me the dope asked for in the last sentence.  But I would like to know what the setup is, and what I can do for you.  You’ve certainly stuck by me better than my other friends, and now it is my turn.

I was in the Chic about a week ago for a meeting of the Institute of Radio Engineers.  I dropped in on the folks and casually mentioned that you would be in town sometime this spring, and they asked if they could have you in for dinner.  How about dropping me your phone number and the time you will most likely be there so that Mom can get in touch with you.  They live in Oak Park now, and are only about two blocks from the Northwestern RR station.  (323 Wisconsin Ave.)  Incidentally, don’t forget that Nena has been single now for about 6 years, and will be able to smooth things out perfectly.  Marty, she’s a card, and you ought to know her better.  She and my nefu, Charley, are yet living with the folks.  Don’t worry about RR fare.  I haven’t forgotten all of the times we went Dutch and you paid more than your share of the expenses.  I’d do it for Johnny, so why not you if it’s necessary.

This is the last of seven pages of correspondence, so I am getting pretty well tired.  I would make a terrible steno, as I can’t last very long.  But seven pages in a little over two hours isn’t bad for me, especially on original composition.

I’ll be in Chi around the middle of June and shall see you then.  Let me know if you’ll yet be around.

73,  Cy