1944 August 4 “I was elected American Representative on the mess council”

8/4/44The Allies liberate the Italian city of Florence.  See: https://maitaly.wordpress.com/2011/05/10/italy-and-wwii-part-3-florence-and-pisa/



I don’t know how long I’ll be over here but I’m determined to do some studying while here.  Will you get the following for me in the order of precedence indicated:

  1. Burrington’s Mathematical Tables (a little blue book).
  2. Higher Mathematics for Engineers & Physicists—Sokolnikoff—McGraww Hill.
  3. Table of Integrals—B.O. Pierce—Ginn & Co.

You can find #1 in my old books, but #2 & #3 are ones I do not now own.

I spent all of yesterday working on the first chapter of Everitt, & it is obvious my math needs improvement.

In addition I swam for an hour.  It was grand.  We had a beer ration before supper and a mess meeting.  I was elected American Representative on the mess council.  It’s about equivalent to being made the honorary member of a whist club.*  After supper we charged off to paint the town red.  In an hour’s time we had covered all of the night spots and went out along the shore to a little joint.  After tasting the wine, I decided salt water** would be an improvement so I swam ¼ mile offshore and floating around in the light of the bright full moon.  The only consolation was that I knew would see the same moon 6 hours later and think the same thoughts I did.  After ½ hour of floating I came ashore and we all went home.

Toots, this is one place I don’t expect to take you after the war.  It is a hell of a hole, and the people are horrible.  The only nice people here are from someplace else.  The only thing of beauty is the water.  I have never seen any so clear.  It is nice bathing on rock beaches too, as you don’t get sand all over everything.

Corsica Shoreline (courtesy of Shutterstock)

That’s all for now.  I shall save this until mail comes in.

*“It was late in the nineteenth century when a group of Wilmington business and professional men with an interest in the card game known as “whist” founded the Wilmington Whist Club. … Shortly after its formation, the Wilmington Whist Club joined the American Whist League and members entered area tournaments.”  From: https://www.universityandwhistclub.com/About_1

**Various sources indicate that the 12th Air Force HQ was based inland at Bolsena, however the theater command post and staging area for the invasion of Southern France (Operation Dragoon), was located on the island of Corsica.  Since Cy mentions swimming in salt water, and since his letter does not indicate a location, I suspect he is on Corsica at this time.

Map of Corsica, Operation Dragoon, summer 1944

1944 September 8 “I’m busy as hell”

9/8/44: The Germans launch the first V-2 rocket on Britain.

German V 2 Rocket

9/8/44:  V-Mail, Corsica


It sure is pleasant to sit here looking at your picture.  In fact, it is so pleasant it makes it difficult to study at times.

I’m gradually grinding through Everitt, but is an effort.  I have forgotten some of my math, but my chief difficulty is that I haven’t used it for so long, I am slow and clumsy and make innumerable mistakes.  But I am doing it thoroughly, which should result in a solid knowledge.

Everyone over here is waiting for the end of the war, without even any good rumors about what then.

I was quite amazed to receive a letter from Bob Webb.  I forwarded it to you.

I haven’t had a letter from you for weeks.  Be a good gal.

I love you, Cy

9/8/44 [#2]  Corsica


Got your two letters today.

The chair is about what I’d like.

You probably strained your arm working.  Take it easy.

AWVS sounds ok, but take it easy and don’t tie yourself down.

Please send Sokolnikoff’s Math for Engineers & Physicists.  If you can’t get the others in one package, let me know which ones to re-request.

#48 [Bombing mission supporting invasion of southern France] was over very unfriendly territory (at the time) but you can see the address above.

The pajamas were strictly for private consumption—and I do expect to see you (or thru) them.

You’ve probably gotten my letter requesting a monthly statement, so I won’t repeat.  Heck, you should have the 500-1000-1000 deal all set by now, with the $320 you’ve already rcv’d & the $500 I just sent after that, take any I send and split it half furniture and half bonds (instead of savings as I once suggested).

The car plate and insurance sounds good.

That’s all for now.  I’m busy as hell.

Love you, Cy