1943 November 23 “It isn’t home I’m sick for. . . It’s just for you”

11/21/43 Mission:

   In Italy, NATBF B-25's bomb gun emplacements at Gaeta; US and RAF
fighter-bombers of the RAF DAF hit strongpoints in the Santa Maria Imbaro and Poggiofiorito areas; fighters carry out patrols and reconnaissance along the battleline along the Corigliano and Sangro Rivers.

11/22/43 Mission:

   President Franklin D Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston S Churchill and
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek confer in Cairo, Egypt. Talks last until 26 Nov and concern Operation OVERLORD (the overall plan for the invasion of W Europe), the possibility of expanding operations in the Mediterranean Theater of Operations, and future operations against Japan. It is decided to make an amphibious landing and offensive in Burma (Operation CHAMPION) and to base B-29's in the China-Burma-India Theater (Operation TWILIGHT).
   In Italy, 100+ XII Air Support Command P-40's, B-25's, and RAF Baltimores, attack strongpoints in the Lanciano-Fossacesia area, concentrating on gun positions; P-40's also hit roads and railways at Fabriano, the towns of Viticuso and Vallerotonda, and as far N as Urbino; A-36's hit chemical works, harbor and railroad yards at Civitavecchia and bomb the village of San Vittore del Lazio.

11/23/43 Mission:

   Weather limits operations to fighter patrols of the battle area.

11/23/1943  #1, Italy

Honey Chile:

32 more shopping days until Christmas.  Gee, that sounds funny.  I guess things are all cockeyed.  I started buying your Christmas presents last summer in Malta.  If your plaid skirt gets there by Christmas I will be well satisfied.

It sure was swell of Louis Kopinski to donate the slipstick.*  Honey, I think those people down at JEFFCO are among the finest friends I have.  I never thought it would be so much trouble.

I’m temporarily bogged down on my Italian.  I’ve learned enough that I’ve passed the simple fundamentals.  I’m now in verbs, and that is a bad place in which to be.  There are 3 conjugations.  The third, for example, only has 12 regular verbs.  Articles are also complex.  There are about 15 to take the place of simple “the, a, & am.”  They are not interchangeable.  Well it will be slow, but I’ll get the damn stuff.

Speaking of bogged down, I saw the height of something this morning.  Our two ducks were standing under the water trailer—to keep dry.  This climate has me stymied.  The natives say it will snow every day now and get the fields are covered with daisies and new grass.  It’s very confusing.

Honey, don’t feel badly about seeing Doc Sheaff.  Just go see him.  As he told you for a year, Whatever caused the condition may yet be at work and making the situation worse.  If you don’t get off your fanny and see him it may eventually become incurable.  You know it won’t make any real difference to either of us, but it makes me mad as hell when I realize you’ve let a whole year go by right in one of the medical centers of the world without even being interested enough to try to get it straightened out.  And now you’re talking of taking a trip, which is nice and ok, but will put you in the same condition you were in in Meridian, B.R., etc.—no capable doctor.  Honey please.  I would rather you had done that when you first got to Chicago than all of the other nice things you’ve done for me.

Sorry, honey.  I’ve been nice and suggested for a year and each time I do, you get all upset and then still don’t do anything about it.  Guess I’d better change the subject.  Please let me know on your next letter that you’ve done something about it.  If Doc Sheaff says “no-soap,”  I’ll just keep on loving you like I have since 1935.  If he says OK it will be wonderful. But I don’t want the condition to get any worse.

Remember that raincoat I bought just before I came across?  Remember how hard it was to find etc?  Well, I’m in a place where I can use it, and about two weeks ago, one of my officers (by act of Congress only) lifted same and took it back to the states with him.  A lad named Hoagg.  Isn’t that disgusting?

Ahh, Huntoons are lonesome now.  I’m sure they’d be tickled to have you sleep there every night.  Mom says it is finale of my departure, me being the first of her kids who left home.

Rumor, straight from the electrically heated officer’s hole, has it that Jimmie Doolittle has stated, wherever he is, that his heavy bombers, wherever they are, have made their last change of station—claims he can blast Jerry out of the war from existing bases.  Strangely I believe he can do it.  Talking to Italians who have worked with Jerries, Jerry apparently thinks so too.  When 4 engine jibbies appear, Jerry goes away quickly.

These Eyeties are wonderful.  It takes quite a philosopher to be friendly with a pilot who has actually bombed one, regardless of said pilot’s intentions, necessities of war, etc.

Supply Officer just brought in a G.I. raincoat for me.   That will help some.

Baby girl, I love you so damn much.  Every old place I go you’re right next to me.  How would you like a world tour with me after the war?  It might even be interesting to get a job in one of these places and live for a while.  As far as people are concerned, they are the same in Iowa as they are in Tunis.  Practically everything we have been taught about other peoples is wrong.  The soil is the same.  Food is new and different, interessante**, and good.  Right now, all of the leaves are turning to yellows and reds, and the mountain sides are beautiful.

Hey!  I thought you told me last spring you could get a new spare for Baby!  I don’t want you doing any night driving until you do.  Don’t worry me that way, Toots.

That’s all for now, Marfy.  I love you, and how.  Cy.

*Slide rule


11/23/43 #2,  Italy

My Darling:

I can stand anything but being away from you.  Honey, I wrote you a nasty letter today.  Please don’t feel hurt, but just do what I ask.  I would rather suffer any pain than subject you to pain either mental or physical.  Darling I would give every cent I own to be with you now, or to have you reach out and touch me.  Every time you touch me you say more than any language could convey.

Your touch Miss Marty, girl of mine

Is like a vision, a thing divine

Containing all the hidden thrill

Of a fighter rushing to the kill

An old friend’s handshake’s satisfaction

A mother’s caress of fond affection


Someday, darling, we’ll be together again.  I’m sure we’re halfway through or better.

These kids here are wonderful.  I had a tussle with Augusto and Antonio a couple of days ago.  Their love knows no instructional line.  God, I wish you could be here with me to know—these people.  The family here is more sacred than life itself.

Darling baby, it isn’t home I’m sick for.  It’s just for you.  I don’t give a damn where I am stationed if I can have you with me always.  Never let that thought leave you.  Keep sending me pictures, love and letters.  I’m hoarding all these.  Good night angel.  Wish I could cook up some waffles for your breakfast in bed.

Every bit of my love, Cy.