2/14/44  V-Mail, Italy #76

Hi Honey:

Sorry I haven’t had time to write in the past couple of days.  I’m all moved over to HQ now, have a desk, and all of the fixings.  My job is nil and I don’t much give a damn, as it looks like a temporary set up of sorts.  I am the Air Inspector, whatever the hell that is.

I have 47 missions now, and it looks like my combat days are about over, other than limited ops.  I don’t know just what the hell to think.

Hell, my stomach aches.  I can’t think of anything interesting to say, as I haven’t done anything, much less anything interesting.

I love you.  Cy.


1944 February 17 “I’m all alone over here in HQ”

2/15/44 Following the failed assault on Monte Cassino, the Allies initiate a heavy bombing campaign on the Abbey which was being used as an observation pointThe Germans took up offensive positions in the rubble.  The second ground assault was attempted over the next three days with heavy casualties suffered by the Allies.  The arrival of severe winter weather on 2/19 stalled the Allies advance until mid-March.

2/17/44 Italy #77
Hi Honey:
I love you. It’s nine o’clock, the squadrons have already gone to work, but I’m all alone over here in HQ.
Present job is Air Inspector for the Group. Actually, It’s about the same job Grp Engineering used to do when held by a flying officer, plus part of the Ops job. If the OM will let me work, it shouldn’t be too bad.
Last night the 84th had a bit of a party for me. They are pissed off at my being transferred, but will get over it. It seems as though the kids like to have me around over the target.
A couple of days ago we were treated to a lousy show by some U.S.O. people. Louise Allbritton was feature attraction and ate dinner across the table from me. My eyes nearly popped out, as she is quite a nice looking specimen, blonde, and an “angel-roll” hair-do which would knock your eyes out. As soon as we dropped the New York & Hollywood affectations and got back to Wichita Falls, Texas, it became most pleasant.
Louise Allbritton

Rumors are a dime a dozen. I get a big kick out of people trying to figure out what goes on when I frequently know that no decision has been made by higher headquarters.
Well, Toots, I’m back on a staff—and am trying to get a job someplace. There’s only one more thing and I’ll have to [illegible] I sure do love you and would love to get my hands on you if only for a few minutes.
Your baby, Cy.