1944 August 1 “War is funny!”

8/1/44The Soviet advance halts on the outskirts of Warsaw, Poland.  Some 30,000 Poles, believing they will have support from the Soviet Army, initiate an uprising against the heavily armed German occupation forces.  The Soviets do not offer any assistance. The British and Americans offer very little assistance as well.  The uprising is quashed by the end of October.  About 250,000 Poles are executed or shipped off to death camps as punishment for the uprising.


Hi Marty:

Just a short note today.

Burt Cochrane & Doc Stratton & I went jeeping yesterday and had a wonderful time.

War is funny!  I’ve finally gotten around to using a wash-rag!  I also drink coffee as it is better than chlorinated water.

Why not send Blen & Emma a copy of your anniversary picture.

Mitchell B-25

Had some fighter pilots compliment me on my B-25 flying.  They said I flew it like a man with a “fighter pilot’s heart,” not an old man.    When I told them I was an A-20 driver they said that explained everything.

All of my books are now here.

I love you , mutt.   Cy

1944 August 5 “We had a dance night before last. It was ghastly.”


Hi Toots:

I have your letter of July 19 & V-mail of July 25.  I have written to both Marion & Mrs. Fleet [wife of recently deceased friend, Burt Fleet].  Why not send her a copy of the letter that Grp. Adj. wrote me?

Yes, I have sent the boots and you should have them by now.  The watch is in the same package.

When in hell are you moving!  You’ve got me on pins and needles.

Just after I left the 47th, all of the CO’s got promoted and sent home.

I’m glad John [Shaw] got his Sgt. rating.  The commission deal was typical of the army.

Yes, Ed went down some months ago.  But he was known to have come down ok.  I saw him a week before he bailed out.

We had a dance night before last.  It was ghastly.  As club committeeman I was expected to dance with all the wall flowers.  I got drunk instead.

Last night Burt & Doc Stratton & I had dinner together.  It was nice.

That’s all for now, Mrs. Stafford.

Love, Brat.