1944 February 11, “Bad weather”

2/10/44 Missions: TACTICAL OPERATIONS (Twelfth Air Force): Light and medium bomber missions are aborted because of bad weather. In Italy, P-40s and A-36s support an unsuccessful attempt of the US Fifth Army’s 1st Infantry Division to stem an attack in the Carroceto area; P-47s fail to locate their target (Sora) and
drop bombs on targets of opportunity.

2/11/44  V-Mail, Italy
Just received your #25 & 28. You sound like you’re enjoying yourself no end.
What a business. On a recent flight, I lead 36 ships in over an overcast, topped by light haze. After 10 minutes, during which time it became obvious that we wouldn’t be able to hit the target without staying up at 15,000 feet without oxygen, I turned around and went home, fully expecting the younger flight leaders to bitch at me for not going on in anyhow. Imagine my amazement when they bitched—but about going into “bad” weather! It was about the same as a “clear” day at Savannah.
The old man came down for a gong-hanging* yesterday and mentioned that I had a DFC** pending. The SS must have bounced. The only thing I want hung on my chest is yours, and constantly.
Rumor has TP back in the Pacific. Is it true? What’s his address?
Some of these kids are a riot. Imagine me calling Lefty Parker “Maje”?

Well that’s the latest! You know more Army than all of my officers put together. Time to go up to the club (no foolin’). All my love, Cy.

*This is British military slang for “hanging a campaign medal” on a soldier’s chest.
**Distinguished Flying Cross medal

1944 February 20 Promotion, DFC and other crap are “pending”

2/20/44The American and British Air Forces begin an all-out bombing campaign against strategic targets in Germany, including factories, rail lines, power plants and military facilities.  Hundreds of bombers with fighter escorts are launched every day.  Losses are heavy.

2/20/44  Italy #79

Hi Marfy:

I found two letters when I came in last night.  That’s encouraging to no end.

Well, I’m OS now.  Drove my jeep with all my belongings for about three hours and am sitting here in my new home without a damn thing to do but look forward to supper and the sack.  The wind is about to blow the tent down, but it doesn’t make a hell of a lot of difference.  Perhaps I’m wrong, but it looks like my days as a combat pilot are over, as the general trend seems to be to put Stafford on a staff.

Don’t get excited about the promotion for the damn thing is still “pending”.  Although I was promised it 6 months ago, I’ll believe it when I see it.  Also, the DFC and other crap.

I guess I just need a rest or something for nothing seems to really interest me.

Love, Cy.

1944 March 18 Received the Air Medal and Distinguished Flying Cross

3/18/44  Italy V-Mail #88


Today was quite a day.  I received a letter from you, Myron Green, & V.V. Mills.  The OM presented me with my Air Medal last night, and this morning the CG, hung my DFC on me.  I felt guilty about taking it.

I saw Cheese Olmstead about a job and made some headway.  His outfit stinks and is completely disorganized.  The OM is going to try to get me the damn group, but I know positively he can’t do it yet.  In a year from now I’ll have one.

Your shoes are swell.  Vulcanos say you are not only easy on the eyes, but have a lot of taste in your own.

Jack* was given a chance to go home and refused it.  For selfish reasons, I think it is swell.  I’m sure I’ll see her sooner this way.  Jack says she “loves you dearly”.  She isn’t the only one!

So Florence Gawert finally did it at the wrong time!

Lady, don’t think I’m passing up any chances to get home.  I just don’t get the chances.  I wish I was there to help use up some of your vitamins.

Lots of love, your own brat.