1944 March 3 “Nuts–the roof leaks.”

3/3/44  Italy


Whatya mean!  I’m not getting laconic, I was just making sure I answered everything.

Your bracelet and brooch (both cameo) are on the way.  The mountings are good silver and cameos are supposed to be good.  I don’t particularly like cameos, but it seems a shame to be over here where they are made and not get any.  They and your coral necklace and bracelet are your birthday present.  I hope you like them. (Nuts—the roof leaks).

The grapefruit & orange deal sounds like a good present for the folks.  I only need one thing for my birthday present, and it looks like I won’t get her.  There really isn’t a damn thing you get for me. Just get a case of beer, some cheese, and Ritz crackers on April 25th and you and Nancy have a private brawl in my honor.  Then both of you write me a letter before going to bed.  I’ve driven 100 miles in the rain today.

Goodnight—I’m all yours.  Cy.

1944 April 25 “I shall carry a vivid hate of Nazism to my grave”

4/25/44 Italy #97

My Dear Wife:

This being my birthday, I shall give a complete report.  I checked out in a twin-engine trainer this A.M. and flew a practice mission for ack-ack boys.  Although I knew they were not shooting at me, it was hard, when I saw the puffs of flak, not to do evasive action.  The boss and I drove out to HQ beach club this afternoon and had a wonderful time.

After supper we had a few drinks and saw “See Here Private Hargrove” on the screen.  It was funny as hell.  Then, while the Colonel played bridge, the signals kids had an impromptu birthday party for me, consisting mostly of “gin Benevento and juice.”  The name signifies the factory in which gasoline is converted to gin.  This is the best of several factories, locations of which I can not mention.  How about a portrait (3 in x 5 in please) from waist up  with low neck, high pompadour, and smile for my birthday present?  Sweater, tight, preferred!!!!

Your hair in recent pictures is gorgeous.  I live only for the day I can mess it up and tell you the accumulated compliments of years overseas worship.  I shall carry a vivid hate of Nazism to my grave—a hate for each minute I have been away from you.

I love you more each day.  Your own, Cy.