1944 October 18 The transfer to the new section is all set up

10/18/44, I think. Note no “(ADV)” on address now.

Hi Toots:

This will be short as it is about 1130 and I am tired.  I have been driving most of the day, and talking to various people.  The transfer to operational-engineering section is all set and will be cut in a couple of days.  I had a long talk with my new boss today, and I think I shall be pretty well satisfied.  He is an engineer, and has done the same sort of work Baldy and I have since he got in.  He was Keg’s room-mate in the flying school!  Small world.  His ideas on maintenance and similar subjects are solid, and it looks like I may be about to get a good job, for a change.

Johny and I had a long talk this evening, and he seems to be even better satisfied with the change than I.  When you get down to brass tacks, the only engineering in the Army AF is done via Wright Field.  The communications officers are in general a bunch of beat-up old pilots who can’t do much of anything else.  These are harsh words, but pretty much true.  There are exceptions.  I can do more actual engineering in communications in the ops-engrg set-up than I can in the signal section.  I was gradually getting into a point-to-point channel business, with nothing to do with aircraft radio.  My new work will be strictly with airplanes, radio, armament, engine etc. all included.

The two signal corps majors with whom I worked, have been stabbing me in the back at regular and frequent intervals, but I have never given them the satisfaction of letting them know I could feel it.

One of the lads had a countess to dinner tonight.  Sorry, not much impressed.  Needs a hairdo (any kind would be an improvement), facial, and a good dress-maker.  Also had a giggle that needed amputation.

Bottom already.  I love hell out of you, mutt.  Cross your fingers,  Cy