1944 November 21: Merry Christmas

11/20/44: Hitler leaves his wartime headquarters at Rastenberg, East Prussia, never to return; he goes to Berlin, where he will soon establish himself at the bunker.

11/21/44 V-Mail


Hi Marfy:

            I received two very sweet letters from you late yesterday.  Mail is slow these days.

            The job is going along nicely.  I should be working now, but I must write and don’t like to when the light is bad.  Sitting here looking at your picture sure does make me want to get my hands on you.

            Honey, I don’t know where we’ll live after the war, but we’ll need furniture anyplace we go.  As far as army of occupation is concerned, my chances of being in it are slim.  If I am stuck, though, I’m certain you can join me.  I shall make every effort possible to bring that about.  You’ll love some of the country and things outside of America.  Of course, there are other less pleasant things.

            I’m afraid two of your Christmas packages will be a little late, but the metal gadgets I sent from France should be there by now.  And of course, I had some people back there do a little shopping too.

            So Merry Christmas.  I love you and miss you, darling.  Cy.