1944 May 7 Now reading about 2 books a week

5/7/44 Italy


I am writing at my desk looking at your two pictures, the one taken in S’vah and the colored up-do job. Frankly, I want to get my hands on my fuzzy and a few other things so badly that it almost hurts.  I am definitely looking forward to resumption of life with Martha.  I shall probably drive you crazy getting you to fix your hair different ways, but that’s what you’re in for.  You will also no doubt be a bit irritated at a nightly destruction of whatever way it has been fixed.

I hope I hear soon that you’ve gotten your coral necklace and bracelet, cameo, and cameo bracelet and brooch set.  Also, did you ever get the little turquoise butterfly set and the linen luncheon set?  There’s been a hell of a lot of stuff stolen from packages sent home, particularly jewelry and other small packages.

I’ve started a new book now on Australia.  I’ve averaged about 2 a week since I came here, and shall try to keep it up so long as the supply of really good books lasts.  It is amazing how easy it is to study under pleasant surroundings.

Not having had a letter from you for a couple of days, it is hard to write.  I shall put this away until P.M. mail arrives.

Oh, yes.  April 3 TIME p. 17 gives poop on an eruption of Vesuvius.  It happened while I was on leave and I had a most interesting time, including ruining an airplane and getting nicely scared.  When I finally get home, remind me to tell you of the momentous decision I helped a Colonel make while occupying seats #1 and #2 respectively (tent, latrine, G.I., 1 ea.)

Nuts—No mail from you.  Maybe I’ll do better tomorrow.

Love, Cy.