1944 June 5 Seen from the air

6/5/44Allies enter Rome, Germans are in retreat.

6/5/44, V-Mail [Location not given]

Hi Honey:

Hold on tight for no sane person could ever believe some of yesterday’s sights.

We took off before lunch and flew for six hours straight.  We flew for two hours and never saw a sign of civilization.  We passed over a series of lakes.  A first glance, everything seemed normal, but it soon became apparent that each one was a different color.  They were blue, green, red, purple, orange, etc.  Later we flew over three small monasteries with no sign of a trail leading up to them.  They date back to the time of Christ, and no changes have been made except in personnel.

At the airport the customs people went through my bags.

Last night, I ate supper on the balcony with all lights ablaze.  We then went to a nightclub, sat in an orchard, with more lights.  Later we took a cab home and then to bed, without shutting black-out blinds.

Love, Cy.