1944 June 4 Letter from John Shaw to Nena

6/4/44In Italy, the Allied forces take control of RomeAt this point the priorities shift to the European advance on the Germans, while the forces in Italy are primarily charged with engaging German forces there in order to keep them from helping out in France and Germany.

“As General Clark’s Fifth U.S. Army moved into Rome on June 4, 1944, the D-Day landings in Normandy, scheduled for June 6, took priority over the Italian Campaign. Six Allied divisions were removed from Italy to support landings in southern France. Further Allied advances in Italy were slow and hampered by heavy autumn rains. The Allied High Command ordered that priority be given to pinning down as many German divisions as possible for the duration of the war, rather than pressing the Italian offensive further. Allied soldiers had pushed across the Po Valley in northern Italy when German forces in Italy finally surrendered on May 2, 1945, two days after the collapse of Berlin.” https://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/italian-campaign

6/4/44  England

From John Shaw to Nena Shaw

Hi Honey:

Well another quiet Sunday evening so I will get down to writing.  I suppose back there you are about now having your second breakfast or lunch.  Wish I could be there to have a cup of coffee with you even though I have had a Sunday evening dinner of corned beef and a delicious cup of tea!  But really I am getting to like it better, but keep the coffee supply up for when I get there.

I am glad you are getting along so well and have good hours for a change be sure and take advantage of it and have a little fun while you can.  Just take time off to write once in a while as I have not been getting much mail.  I haven’t heard from the folks for over a month.  I wrote them once since then but maybe they didn’t get it and are waiting to hear from me, so mention it next time you write.

I got a letter from Mommy yesterday.  Tell her that it is good to know she is getting alright again and enjoying the good weather and that she is welcome to the Sox and can take over the shoes too if she desires to.  I don’t think anyone could do better.

In answer to Chuck’s note I know how he feels about his love but better go easy for a few yrs till he can get back to really devote his whole time to it without being interrupted in having to be away and let her heart grow fonder for somebody else but anyway have a hell of a lot of fun while he can for when he gets in this thing good times are few.

Well will quit for now.  All my love yours John.