1944 February 9 Snapshots make me homesick

2/9/44:  92nd Chemical Mortar Battalion is activated in England.  John Shaw, Cy’s brother in law and my father’s step-father, would be assigned to this unit for the Normandy invasion and the duration of the U.S. involvement in the war.

 2/9/44 V-mail, Italy


Your snapshots and letters arrived this morning.  They are quite good, although the beach, grass and Marty make me a bit homesick.  Much as I dislike some things about the South, I am afraid sand, heat, and palm trees mean more to me than I realized.  I guess it’s because the happiest three years of my life were spent under those conditions.

I shall try to get away today and take Ed the clipping. [See Jan. 17 post]

It is a good story, and Ernie captured Ed’s own attitude towards it with a minimum of quotation.  “Personally, I’d rather park and neck.”  I don’t believe in having troubles in an airplane, as there is no future in it.

Damn it, that beach (and babe) look good.  My water froze in the tin cup this morning and I had to break the top layer of ice to drink the damn stuff.

Nancy & Beverly look swell.  Beverly, in passing, is a honey.

I got a letter from Betty Hitchcock.  She is in a hospital with a bad case of jaundice, and is about to be put on a limited service or sent home.

Gosh I want you.  All my love,  Cy

P.S. The Xmas box arrived ok.  It was swell arriving Xmas eve in hospital!  I love u.