1944 February 8 Need a rest after 45 missions

2/7/44 Mission:

   In Italy, B-26s bomb the bridge approach S of Manziana; B-25s hit the
Viterbo marshalling yard and, in support of US Fifth army troops, bomb the town of Cisterna di Latina as the enemy counterattack begins in the Anzio area; A-20s hit Piedimonte and the road junction and railway station at Campoleone; A-36s hit San Stefano al Mare and nearby railroad siding, Pontecorvo and Belmonte in Sabina, plus several targets of opportunity and targets in support of ground forces in the battle areas; P-40s attack an observation tower at Littoria, trucks at Villa Santa Lucia degli Abruzzi, Campoleone, a railroad gun, the Sezze railroad yards, Cisterna di Latina and gun positions in battle areas. Fighters encounter heavy aircraft activity over the Anzio battle area and claim 16 shot down.

2/8/44 Mission:

   In Italy, B-25s bomb Cisterna di Latina; B-26s hit the Siena marshalling yard and warehouses, and a railway bridge NE of Civita Castellana; A-20s bomb Piedimonte; A-36s attack gun positions near Ausonia, tracks between Rome and Orte, and the town of Veroli, and fly strafing and bombing sweeps in the Anzio battle area against motor transport, gun positions, road junction E of Cisterna di Latina, and the town of Pontecorvo; P-40s hit Roccasecca, Castello, Caprile. Piedimonte, Aquino and other targets, including a supply dump and gun positions; P-47s bomb Atina; Desert Air Force (DAF) fighters (US and RAF) destroy a large number of trucks near Sora.

2/8/44 V-Mail, Italy

Darling Girl:

You have done well on your correspondence in the last month.  Your love letters are about the only link I have with a normal life, and as such are greatly appreciated.  Even if it is only to tell me what happened during a rather dull day, it will be much more interesting than the things that happen here.

I am very tired tonight, but it is physical and not nervous fatigue.  I climbed 2500 feet up a mountain today, and am going to try to extend that a little more each day or so.  It seemed funny to be sweating and yet be able to see my breath.  A few days ago the snow line was down where I climbed today.  I carved this on tree [heart with initials “CS” and “MM” inside].  You are the only girl whose initials have been carved with mine.

I am going to have to take a rest soon.  I haven’t had one since OK city.  The artificial stimulus of flying combat missions will keep me going for a while, but I am becoming irritable and do not enjoy being with people.  The periods between missions are dull.  I have about 45 now, which isn’t much, but a hell of a lot more hot ones than most of our “friends” have.

Scratch Crains off of the list.  If they are too busy to answer any of my four letters, to hell with them.  I love you always.   Cy.