1944 August 23 “Write more baby”

8/22/44: From August 8-22, the Allies under Bradley, Patton and Montgomery execute a plan to encircle the German troops in Normandy in the Falaise-Argentan pocket . This plan is successful, resulting in the death of 10,000 Germans and the capture of 50,000 more.



I was away 2 days and came back to find I have been made assistant to a little Jewish boy whom I rank by years.  I shall see the boss tomorrow.  I am God damn sick and tired of the horseshit I’ve had to eat in recent months.

Saw Van last night.  He is in a fighter group—but naturally I met him in a bar miles from the front.

Wish I could have been there to help you get settled.  It sounds good to hear  about some of our stuff again.  Your over-stuffed mahogany idea sounds good.

If you can, get a plywood (in place of beaverboard) back put on the book case with brass wood screws.  Then shellac the works.  Mother will know how.  She’s an expert at that.

Had a 1/3 bottle of Scotch a couple of nights ago.  Two of the infantrymen I was in the hospital with had a reunion party.  They are on limited service (due to wounds) and can’t get a job or get home.  A captain in a Base section made some remarks about my language, and the doughboys just damn near took him to pieces.

I love you—write more, baby.  Cy.