1943 October 20 “Blissfully looking at the scenery”

10/17/43 Mission:

 Weather prevents operations by the XII Bomber Command. US and RAF units of NATAF operate at a reduced pace. In Italy, light and medium bombers hit the towns of Teano and Alife and motor transport at Benedello, Penna, and Pedesso; fighter-bombers bomb and strafe troops, trucks, guns, train stations, and a bridge near Vinchiaturo, Benedello, Teramo, and Sparanise; other fighters strafe locomotives S of Ancona.

10/18/43The Private Snafu cartoon, “Fighting Tools” is released: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJutO3D_EF8

10/18/43 Mission:

In Italy, XII Air Support Command A-36's hit the Venafro railroad yards, and other fighter-bombers hit gun positions, troops, and railway stations in or near Boiano, Petacciato, and Vairano. Fighters strafe airfields around Rome and also hit Viterbo, Grosseto, and the seaplane base at Bracciano, and attack trains on the Rome-Orte and Rome-Naples, Italy
lines. NATBF light bombers bomb the road and railway near Cassino, the town of Carpinone, the road junction at Castiglione della Valle, and roads, bridges, and motor transport near Minturno and Chieti.

10/19/43 Mission:

In Italy, during a low-level raid, XII Bomber Command B-24's bomb bridges at Porto Civitanova, S of Porto Sant' Elpidio, N of Pedaso, and N of Cupra
Marittima; fighters, fighter-bombers, and light bombers of the XII Air Support Command, NATBF, and RAF DAF attack the town of Boiano, gun positions and troop concentrations on the outskirts of town, and an ammunition dump and railroad tunnel nearby, Viterbo and Tarquinia landing fields, the towns of Cassino and Anzio, the railroad N of Pesaro and near Pineto, trains near Barisciano, troops near Mintumo, and vehicles at several points.

10/20/43 Mission:

the XII Air Support Command, NATBF, and other aircraft of the NATAF
devote most of their efforts to bombing gun positions, trucks, and rail and road communications S of Vasto, at Mignano, N of Cassino, in Cassino and Chieti, at Castropignano, Carpinone, Arce, Tratella, and at various other points along highways and railroads. Fighter-bombers also hit shipping along Dalmatian coast of Yugoslavia, claiming 2 vessels sunk.

10/21/43 Mission:

   Colonel Arthur Thomas takes command of the XII Air Force Service Command. In Italy, XII Bomber Command B-17's hit a railroad viaduct at Terni and rail and road bridges in Albania. B-24's hit Orvieto railroad bridge; B-26's and B-25's bomb bridges at Montalto di Castro and NW of Acquapendente and the railroad at Orbetello; P-38's bomb a radar station at Pellegrino and the marshalling yard at Skoplje, Yugoslavia; RAF and US NATAF light and medium bombers concentrate on Cassino, hitting the town, a bivouac area nearby, and railroad to the S; vessels along Dalmatian coast of Yugoslavia are also attacked; XII Air Support Command fighters and fighter-bombers patrol the Naples area and attack numerous roads, railroads, bridges, junctions, trucks, gun emplacements, and other
targets in the battle area.

10/20-23/43 V-MAIL  Italy

Hi Marfy:

One of the lads gave me a whole slug of V-Mail, so I can write you some more again.

Hey!  On numbering the letters, don’t start fresh each month.  Just number straight through.

I’ve finished my G.I.’s, but am still off flying.  I’ll go back tomorrow.

This is day after “tomorrow” of above.  Well, tempus fugit.  Vance is still in the hospital with jaundice and will be for another month.

Nuts, it’s now the 23rd!  I’ll finish this right now if I have to tell the CG to go to hell.  Seriously, it’s been a bit sticky for a couple of days.  It’s the first time I’ve made 4 daily, consecutive entries in my log.  I went back on flying yesterday.  Also went on a picnic.  Had fried ham—no fooling!

Photo Freddy, who tried to make daily newsreel of our little war, got his britches shot off one day.  It sure was “purty”.

Now that it is long past, I can tell a funny story.  My outfit was moving by truck and I was preceding the air echelon by plane.  Just as I passed the convoy, a Ju-88 got on my tail, either by accident or design.  My gunner didn’t see him.  Then 2 Spits got on the Ju dropped him into the ocean.  All this time, my gunner and I are blissfully looking at the scenery from 10 feet.  The convoy told us about it when they got to the new field.  Stupid war, ain’t it.

German Junkers Ju-88

Whee—I finished it without interruption.  All my love except a little for Mommy,

Your own, Cy.

10/22/43 Mission:

The XII Air Support Command, along with other elements of the NATAF,
hit town areas, highways, vehicles, gun positions, railroad communications, strongpoints, and targets of opportunity at or near San Salvo Teano, Venafro, Cantalupo el Sannio, Isernia, Cassino, Montenero, and Boiano. Aquino Airfield is also bombed.

10/23/43 Mission:

the XII Air Support Command, RAF Desert Air Force (DAF), and NATBF attack troop concentrations in the Spinete area, and town areas, vehicles, trains, railroads, highways, bridges, and gun positions at or near
Gaeta, Pescara, Vasto, Isolella, Sulmona, Isernia, Vairano, and Ancona.