1943 November 29 “How about a date for next Christmas?”

11/29/43 Mission:

   B-25's bomb Sarajevo, Yugoslavia and road and rail bridges at Giulianova, Italy. US, South African Air Force (SAAF), and RAF light bombers hit enemy strongpoints at San Vito Chietino and the Castelfrentano-Lanciano-Fossacesia areas; Allied fighter-bombers bomb enemy forward positions around Fossacesia and Lanciano of Italy.

11/29/43 V-Mail, Italy
What a dull life without you.
We made BBC on one of our recent picnics. Rather easy as Jerry didn’t argue—much. The first two Squadrons (mine was number 1) had a bit of luck and knocked out all of the ack-ack, and the others just plastered hell out of the little cocks.
Hey, Baby, the package from Manoir Nat House* came yesterday. We are eating half of everything that we got and saving the rest for Christmas. Boy, were they good! I also got about a week’s worth of newspapers. I hope your pictures get here soon. My morale needs a nice feminine boost to balance it out.
It’s funny, kitten, I’m not homesick a damn bit. I want you more than anything in the world, but I don’t care where I am when I have you. I guess it is because I have never lived in one place long enough to acquire a sentimental attachment. This trip over here has complicated my planning to no end. Now, in addition to all of the other things we have to do, we have to visit five continents. The only way I can see to do the job right is to get a job which will require it.
Honey, after you get rested from your trip, why don’t you take a couple of courses in school? Don’t load down, but pick out some sociology, elementary psych, and French. I’m very anxious for you to acquire a working knowledge of conversational French.
Merry Christmas, little girl. Sorry I can’t be there to help you trim our tree! How about a date for next Christmas? All my love.
Your brat, Cy.

*I couldn’t find information on this company, but I assume it is a packaged food/mail order operation, perhaps like “Harry & David”.