1943 May 4 “Four nurses spoiled the afternoon for about 200 men”

4/30/43 Mission:

Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) fighters, A-20's, and medium bombers, hit positions near Mateur, Bir Meherga, and Ksar Tyr, concentrations near Furna, shipping in the Gulf of Tunis and near
Cap Bon, and attack isolated vehicles and troops along the battleline as the US II Corps makes substantial gains in the Jefna area.  From:http://www.milhist.net/usaaf/mto43a.html

5/1/43 Mission:

In Tunisia, Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) fighters and A-20's hit shipping in the Gulf of Tunis and jetties at Sidi Daoud and Kelibia, and attack positions in the NE Tunisian battle area as Allied ground forces regroup for the final Tunisian offensive. From:http://www.milhist.net/usaaf/mto43a.html


5/2/43:  Mission:

In Tunisia, bad weather restricts the Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) to reconnaissance missions. Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) fighters hit tank and troop concentrations near Massicault and Tebourba and fly battle area reconnaissance as the US II Corps occupies Kef en Nsour while the enemy withdraws toward Bizerte.

5/3/43 Mission:

African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) fighters fly numerous reconnaissance
missions over the battle area as Mateur falls to the US 1st Armored Division.  Other fighters escort NASAF bombers. Fighter-bombers bomb the Massicault area.  From:http://www.milhist.net/usaaf/mto43a.html

5/4/43 Mission:

Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) fighters attack gun positions and vehicles near Zaghouan and Massicault and at other points in the surrounding areas. A-20's and medium bombers hit Zaghouan in support of the French advance. From:http://www.milhist.net/usaaf/mto43a.html

5/4/43 #1

North Africa

Hi Honey:

How’s everything?  Hey! Before I forget it, why don’t you address letters the way I tell you to?  You keep putting a bunch of stuff like “Postmaster” etc. on and all it does is delay things.  Always use the address I show on the envelope exactly like I show it.  I’ve had another change of APO’s.  I’ll also mention it in a v-mail in a couple of days so if you get this later, don’t let it confuse you.  The current address is:


Maj., A.C.  0-393246

47th Bomb Group (L) AAF

APO #520, New York, N.Y.

Write it like that and it will get here faster.

Everything is going along swell here.  I haven’t gotten to fly much recently, as I’m being tied to my rocking chair in the office again, but I shall get away once in a while anyhow.  I now have only 8 sorties, but that is as good or better than any other group staff officer.  If I ever get one of my own, I believe I shall be able to do the job well.  I’ve seen every possible way of running a group, and believe I have a notebook full of good ways of doing the job.  Of course, it will be years before I get one.

I guess I told you that Van broke down and said he was sorry I was leaving and that I was the best officer he ever had in the group.  Perhaps if I should ever work for him again he will remember what happened and treat me more like an officer and less like a poor relation.

Honey, you mentioned in one of your letters that everything wasn’t rosey there financially.  If something is haywire, don’t just hint at it.  Come right out and give me the story, or don’t say anything at all.  I’ve sent you enough to cover last year’s income tax, next year’s income tax, and some left over.  You should be able to live on the allotment without any trouble.  Honey, it may be tough now, but if we don’t save, it is going to be hell later.

I’ve been working some circuit problems from Mark’s ME Handbook in the electrical chapter.  I am rusty as hell, but it has been interesting to note how quickly I remember these things.  Of course, the first time I work one of the old problems it takes 3 hours for a fifteen minute problem.  It is interesting to note how many different kinds of problems I can still work.

I am enclosing one money order and shall send another in about a week.  You should have received four of them from Arlie or John last month, and I don’t know what the numbers were.  Let me know how many you received from them.  When I get my flying pay (paper work screwed up only) I shall try to send you a check through the finance dept.  It doesn’t cost anything, and is supposed to be quite fast and reliable.  As soon as you let me know whether or not it works well, I may use that rather than money orders.  It is something new and different.

I’ve gotten to go swimming recently.  I have a swell tan on my hands and neck, and a little on the rest of the old frame.  The water wasn’t as salty as S’vah, but it was a lot colder.  Most invigorating.  Everything went well until a bunch of boy crazy nurses barged in, making everyone run for cover and shorts.  I got peeved and didn’t budge.  Four nurses spoiled the afternoon for about 200 men, and I didn’t think it at all fair.

Will also write a v-mail tonight.  Love and kisses,  Cy

5/4/43 #2  V-Mail

*Buddy mentions the government take-over of the coal mines.  Here is a link to FDR’s “Fireside Chat” on 5/2/43 explaining the reasons for this action:  http://millercenter.org/president/speeches/speech-3330

There were many political cartoons that also touched on the industrial-based racism that often excluded blacks from participating in the jobs created by the labor shortage, such as this: