1943 August 31 Remember Camden?

8/29/43 Mission:

Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) fighters escort the NASAF bombers, hit a rail junction at Bagnara, bridge and town of Angitola, gun positions in the Villa San Giovanni-Reggio di Calabria areas, and a marshalling yard at Lamezia

8/30/43 Mission:

Also in Italy, Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) medium and light bombers attack marshalling yards at Marina di Cantanzaro and Paola, and gun emplacements and bivouac S of Reggio di Calabria; and A-36's bomb marshal- ling yards at Sapri and Lamezia.

8/31/43 Mission:

Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) medium and light bombers bomb the Cosenza marshalling yard and road-railway junction in Cantanzaro during the morning,and in the after- noon bomb the area around Cosenza when clouds prevent hitting specific tar- gets; fighter-bombers hit Sapri railroad and seaplane base; and during the night light bombers hit the bivouac areas SE of Reggio di Calabria.

8/31/43 V-Mail
Hi Honey:
Nuts! I got a letter from Mickey today and one from Mother, but none from you. Mickey announces the arrival of Ruth Anne on August 7th, so you’d better send them a gift. Of the two baby gadgets I sent, send one to Gerrity & 1 to Huntoon when they (both jackets and onesies) arrive.
I got to send one of my problem children home this week. He is an excellent pilot, but so homesick he couldn’t see straight. A CO of a combat outfit is supposed to have no administrative worries, but it doesn’t work that way. Today I’ve done everything from chasing horses off of the flying field to giving lectures on the manual of courts martial.
Last night, I showed our Red Cross girl, Betty Hitchcock, the pictures of your anniversary present. You and your taste have a firm admirer.
Wish I’d get a letter from you. Things also needed are a soap dish & some red ink. The latter makes much better V-Mail photos.
I love you darling. I’ve been out 7 months now. Wish I could call you up like I used to in Camden. Remember? Cy.