1943 April 18 “It’s a swell war”

The Billboard number one hit in March, April and May 1943 was “I’ve head that song before“: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYXnhIm3BYI

4/15/43  Combat mission:

In Tunisia, Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) fighters attack
tanks and trucks at Oum EL Djema and a concentration near Sidi Ahmed, while others fly reconnaissance and patrols during the day.

4/16/43 Combat mission:

In Tunisia, Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) fighters strafe
trucks during the night of 15/16 Apr and during the following day. A-20's and fighter-bombers bomb Djqobel el Raar and concentrations located in various wadis in the battle area.
From: http://www.milhist.net/usaaf/mto43a.html

4/17/43 Combat mission:

Northwest African
Tactical Air Force (NATAF) Blenheims bomb La Sebala Airfield and A-20's hit Ksar Tyr and concentrations NE of Grich el Oued.

4/18/43  (Souk-el-Arba)
Hi Funnyface:
Hey bootifiul—I love you. Put some beer and cheese in the ice box in a year or two & I’ll be there to eat it. What’s cooking? I had T-bone steak, mushrooms, new green peas, & chocolate ice-cream for supper & turned it all down in favor of some cold Spam! Yep I can just see me doing that.
It’s a swell war. Just as I started I get yanked out of combat & put on the group staff. I’m in operations, although only an assistant. Well, damn it, I got 4 sorties in 5 days & I can sneak out of the office for more every once in a while. There has never been flak like there was on my first one, and I rather enjoyed it. Incidentally, it is easier to get scared in a Hollywood version of an air raid than it is in practice. It’s all quite interesting, though a bit sticky.
Well, Toots, I sure do wish you were here with your car. We could hop in, drive a bit, and have a nice refreshing swim. Instead of that I take my baths in a Turkish bath run by Arabs. It stinks, but it is a hot bath and makes me feel a little better.
Whether because of the baths, or the 1000 mile jeep ride I took a couple of weeks ago, my fanny is doing a disappearing act. It’s amazing! My pants actually sag in the back. I’m sure I haven’t lost any weight, but there has been a gratifying redistribution.
I go from one extreme to the other. A real live wire is running this outfit & I have little to do. In the old one, I did everything that got done. This bunch are swell. I was welcomed with open arms. It tickled hell out of me to get in on the flying without a bunch of transition. Some of the old hands complimented me on my work so you needn’t worry.
Toots, you can tell Keg and some of the others who have left here with the screaming jitters that they’re a bunch of bull. There are men here with 4 times the number of sorties against much worse opposition getting along just fine.
How’s my fuzzy getting along? It’s been nearly 5 months since I messed it up. It should be at least an inch longer by now. I sure would like to get into it now. And that ain’t all. Time to quit & go look at some captured stuff.
I love hell out of you, honey. It burns me up that I can’t be there to see you grow prettier every day. Tell Pappy to keep you in line & spank you once in a while.
Lots of love, Cy.