1942 July 30 “Violets from Australia”

7/30/42  Oak Park, IL

From: Mrs. Cyrus B Stafford

To: Lt. Emma M. Stafford, A.N.C.

153 Station Hospital

My Darling:

Your letters, one written at sea, and those dated June 20 and 28 and July 3 and 10 were all received on July 28.  All were very interesting.  Dad and I have read them over many times and talk them over.  Nena, Chuck and John enjoyed them.  Now I am mailing them to Cyrus and Marty.

I am sending to you under separate cover some letters Cyrus and Marty have sent me recently.

By the way, these letters from you were the first written in Australia.  I was the first one that guess you went through the canal on your way out.  It must have been an extremely interesting trip from beginning to landing.

Your belt you bought must be very pretty.  Young lady, you must see that you keep your waist line as it is.

George (C) is in Hawaii and Bill is at the Officers Candidate School in Oklahoma.  Mrs. Cheshire wrote me a letter and gave your message, for which I was truly thankful.

It was wonderful to get violets from Australia.  I am not going to exhibit your letters to anyone but the family, so write anything you wish.  Do send the pictures of yourself.

I am glad that my letters are coming through.  I have written every week.  Try to write every week when you can, if only a short note.

I am happier about you, now that I know you have made friends.  It is too bad that you have to leave them.  I was interested in your account of the family and their children.

I have a newspaper picture taken of the nurses when they arrived in Australia, but I could not find you.  I received your Mother’s Day message.  Thanks, daughter.

Chuck is very proud of his little Aunt Sissie.  He is living with Nena, now, and will go to the Oak Park High School this fall.  He is now working at Strickland’s, the highest price grocer in Oak Park.

Nena and Chuck in Oak Park, 1940s

Buddy became a Captain last April.  Tom Hays is still in Washington and they live in Bethesda, Md.  Dr. C.M. has been ill in the Hospital in Australia.  Dad joins in best love,
