1940 May 10 Eve of Graduation

Editor’s note:  On May 10, 1940 Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom after Chamberlain resigns. On this same day the Germans invade Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

Winston Churchill, 5/10/40

Brooks Field, Tx
This is a hard letter to write, for I’m afraid you’ll get the wrong idea. Try to bear with me.
Damn it, I’m a wreck. I just made my last flight as a cadet and I’m weak as a baby. One of the instruments was out and I flew from the rear cockpit instead of the front as is normal. I think I passed ok, but it was a hell of a job.
Last night our flight had dinner at our instructor’s house. It was great sport, but I didn’t particularly enjoy myself. Graduating is like jumping from the frying pan into the fire.
Honey, in the light of all the authentic information I can gather, it would be much better if you didn’t join me until June 15th or later. It would be too much of a strain on both of us.
So let’s you amuse yourself around Chicago. The enclosure will hold you for a while. I haven’t but a few minutes to get into town before the P.O. closes.
Just remember I love you, angel. From now on it is:
Lt. C.B. Stafford, A.R.
801 Patterson
Alamo Heights
San Antonio, Tex.

Your lil boy, Cy.

Cy’s graduation photo from Randolph Field, May 11, 1940 (From “My Life. . . My Way”, Charles F. Sharrard, Jr. p.226