1940 March 4 Flying in Formation

Brooks Field, Tx
Hello Little Angel:
Do you remember one evening when you didn’t have your new house coat on? Gee, you were beautiful. You were everything any man could want, and a lot more than this one deserves. Every little part of you seems to be just a little better than the best ever seen before. I’d better stop thinking about it, for one of my 89 room-mates might see what I look like and draw the wrong conclusion.
Two interesting things happened today. First, we finished out transition stage (get acquainted with new ship, BC-1) and started formation flying. Wing tips are 3 feet back and 3 feet to one side of the leader’s. Boy, is it a job to hold that spacing through landings, take-offs, turns, and other simple maneuvers. Secondly, we were asked what branch of the Air Corps we wanted, and what stations we wanted. This is a preliminary survey for the decision of our instructors before we graduate will largely determine the branch. I specified pursuit, observation, and bombardment in that order of preference. I also specified Selfridge (Detroit), Scott (East St. Louis), and Maxwell (Montgomery, Alabama), as the preferred stations.
I spent the week-end with the cousins and had a swell time. Annie Claire and I took in a show Saturday night. The four of us went to Church & then out riding on Sunday. Boy, what a riot that was. I had a long talk with Mickey and Martha. They sure are pulling for a wedding this spring.
I think Spanky is nuts. Do what you can, but I doubt if it will do any good. I wish Spankin would be a careful bad little girl and get this marriage-at-any-cost business out of her system. I hope she can grow up without that, though. The enginner sounds ok to me, but that isn’t but half of the story.
Before I forget it, please call home and ask them to send me my gray, spring suit. The temperature down here is between 80 and 90!
Well, honey, I have a damned headache, so I shall try to snatch a couple of hours of sleep this afternoon before mess.
Possibly old, but Conf. say “girl who marry aviator have ace in hole.”
Be a sweet little girl for me. All my love, Cy.