1940 March 26 Night Flying

Brooks Field, Tx.
Hi Darling:
It’s lucky you weren’t with me last night, for you’d be an awfully tired little gal.
I went to Bob Cook’s (P.U. ’39) wedding Saturday out at the Randolph Chapel. Every time I go there, I think more and more that it is the place to be buried in and not married in.
The rest of the week-end was spent with the kids. They have a swell little duplex. Easter service was good. You’d like Dr. Hill. He’s quite a character. Among other things, he’s a Texas Ranger and one of the best shots in the U.S.
We start night flying and probably cross-countries this week. They are usually good for a couple of laughs.
The card is premature but all of the class has gotten them.
Tell Gordon I got caught in the prop wash from 11 ships yesterday. I was flying with full right rudder and left stick to stay in position. This formation business is more fun than a bushel of monkeys.
If you watch the show announcements you may see a newsreel of the graduation Saturday. The 120 ship formation was the nuts (5 groups). The Brooks Field gang had the best formation. You can tell by the numbers, about 054 to 078.
That’s all for now, Darling, Love Cy.