1940 March 18 Next stop will be Barksdale Field

3/18/40 #1

Brooks Field, Tx.

Hi Toots:

Gee, what a week-end!

We got up at 4:50 A.M. Saturday and went over to Kelly Field for a lecture.  It was given by Capt. Robey of the Materiel Division at Wright Field.  It lasted from 7 until 10:30, and was excellent.  I feel much encouraged.  He said that up to this point our engineering knowledge had made little difference, but from now on, the ones who cut up woolly-worms in college and majored in jitterbugging were going to have a tough time by comparison.

We had an inspection Saturday afternoon and didn’t get into town until 3.  I stopped at the club and had a couple of ales.  Then I went over to school and rode out to the house with Annie Claire.  We had supper, after going shopping, and then went down to Martha’s.

While shopping, we picked up a coconut and 5 of those fuzzy little dish mops.  Before we left, we painted the coconut to look like Hitler and made chrysanthemums out of the dish mops.  We cracked Hitler’s head and had a swell time eating fresh coconut.  Margaret and George, who live in the other half of the duplex, were also there.  After we left Mickey’s, we drove around until they had time to get to sleep.  Then we went back and “planted” the dish mops where I planted the nasturtiums last week.  Boy, did they rave when they got up Sunday!

Sunday afternoon the kids sang in a massed choir from three of the local churches.  It was quite good.  Afterwards, cousin Annie Laurie about started a riot.  She introduced me to me to Maj. and Mrs. Sweet as her “new son”!   It would have been ok except that their son and Annie Claire go together, although not seriously.  After about five minutes she explained, but poor Mrs. Sweet went through hell during those minutes.  She didn’t know whether to ask questions, act surprised, or just what.

40A just flew over in a 24 ship formation, practicing for next week’s graduation exercises.  Even if it was a little ragged, it was impressive.

No news is good news, and I think everything will work out.  Don’t count too much on being with Tom and Marje*, for the chances are 30 to 1 that they won’t get the same post that we do. The present arrangement is such that you may join me in Detroit or Maxwell Field or Scott Field.  There’s very little chance of our staying in Texas.  As far as I can foresee, assignment to foreign service is the only thing that can stop our plans.

Hey!  What’s a bridal sandwich?  (Lettuce alone).

The head of the ground school just drove up and walked through this “study hall.”  It took 2 minutes for him to drive up, us to get out letters out of sight and books in view, him to inspect hall and leave, and for us to resume our letter writing.

Walt Stroud is trying to organize a quartet for Easter at the request of the CO and he’s getting nowhere darn fast.  This goes on forever.

It’s about time to get out of study hall and I can’t think of anything more so I shall answer your letter.

I shall not mention to Bill that anything is definite.

Boy, you put me on the spot!  What can I write Jack?  I’ll try, but I don’t see what good it will do.  Keep up the good work.  I’d hate to see Spanky get stuck.  I’d rather see her be a little indiscreet and stay legally clear.

Be my own sweet little girl,  Lots of Love,  Cy.

*Tom & Margaret Gerrity.

3/18/40 #2

Brooks Field, Tx.

Dear Marty,

Hey!  Don’t go getting woozy on me, Mrs. Stafford.  The only reason we’re still single is that it would be silly to try to take on a new job, new friends and new wife all at once.  I’ve talked it over with a lot of people and they all agree that although we may miss a little fun now, we’ll save a lot of trouble later on.

Well, at long last, here’s the dope.  I went in to see the bulletin board and nearly passed out.  “The following 2nd Lts. are transferred to Hawaii” was the first page.  I missed that.  Panama was the next stop.  After not finding myself on that list, I hit page three—March Field, Calif.  By then I was exhausted.  After a short rest, I went back and weeded through two more pages.  Well there it was.  2nd Lt. C.S. Stafford was there in a long list of other shavetails.* It had the date of departure, army order number and everything!  Gee it was nice to know I hadn’t been forgotten.

Oh, yes.  In case you should be interested, we’re living at Barksdale Field, Shreveport, La.

Tom & Marge are also going to be there.

Honey, I’m leaving Wednesday & will be at Barksdale Friday, so address my mail there.

Burt & Mrs. Fleet & Marion and V.V. and I are on our way to Harlingen, Tex. for the week end.  That explains the penmanship.  We’re doing 54 m.p.h.

Will write more later.  How’s the dough holding out?

Love Cy.


*In the mid 1800’s, unbroken army mules had their tails shaved for identification.  Over time the term “shavetail” became army slang for a 2nd Lieutenant.