1940 June 10 Save the date–June 22nd

Editor’s note:  On June 9, 1940, Norway surrenders to Germany

Also in June, Cy’s nephew “Chucky” (Charles Sharrard, Jr/my father), graduated from middle school.  Marty took the photo:

From Dad’s autobiography, “My Life. . . My Way”, Book One, p. 140


Barksdale Field, La.

Hi Honey:

I got your last letter today.  Buck up!  It can’t be that bad.  You should have two letters of mine by now.

Went over and got the marriage license today and had a lot of fun.  One of the other fellows went over with me, and the poor gal that issued them was about nuts by the time we got through.  I didn’t need the papers (which I received today).  It is good any place in the state.  As for physical certificates, the man only is required one in most states.  Illinois and a few others require both.  All I had to do was go over to hospital and have the sergeant write it out and the flight surgeon sign it.  They didn’t even look at me, for there are regular exams every time we turn around.

As far as I can foresee, we’ll be married the 22nd.  I shall write Jack.  In view of the fact that I may have duties until noon, we’d better arrange for an evening wedding.  That will give us time to drive the 200 miles to Baton Rouge.  I’ll get busy on the ring.  I’ve already sent you a check for the trip, so I can’t send money order as requested.

Better keep the car in a garage the two nights you have it in Illinois.  Leave throttle-stop on.  Find out what brand of oil is in it and only use that kind and grade.  Find out what gas the carburetor is set for (octane selector) and use that kind.  Ask factory how much air to carry in the tires.

The only stuff I have for you to bring from the folks is a bunch of books, a drawing set, triangles and French curves, t-square, and sea-bag with blankets, boots, and riding pants.

You know what Gerrity’s address is, so better go there.  Meg can then help you find me.

Incidentally, if it should be “that” time, we can wait very easily on that part of our marriage if you want it that way.  Write to me when you get the car and again when you leave.  It’s an order!

Love, kitten,  Cy.