1940 January 23 Flyboy


Randolph Field, TX


The enclosures of Burt are OK but aren’t so hot of me.  These two might be interesting to our grandchildren.  Helmets and goggles will be unheard of then.  Keep all of these for us.  The extra one of Burt might go well with Maxie if you think she’d want it.  Burt doesn’t know I got but one.

Cy Stafford, January 10, 1940, Randolph Field, Tx.


The picture of me in the ship looks like I am a she, but ‘taint so.  It’s just an oversize parachute harness.  If I ever use it, it will slap some nice bruises on me, but it is more comfortable this way.  The cushion behind my head is for obvious reasons.  The heavy iron anvil behind that is to support the ship if and when it noses over.  Below that is the “back” of the rear cockpit instrument panel.  You can also see the glass canopy which slides forward to make a glassed-in back-porch during flight.  Gordon might be interested.

The other picture is fair.  Those are shadows and not circles under my eyes.  Also oil spots and not freckles.  The scarf is decoration as it isn’t cold enough here to need them.

Cy Stafford, January 15, 1940, Randolph Field, Tx.

There’s a beautiful Texas moon overhead and I haven’t anything better to do than get a haircut.  I had my 40 hr check today and believe I passed it.  If I did, that is the last flight check.  Instrument check is all that remains.

Good night, my angel.  Cy