1940 January 12 Flying the Zones

Randolph Field, Tx.
Hi Toots:
What a brain! I can’t remember when I last wrote, so I’ll write again anyhow. You’ll probably get this Monday night.
How did you like the pictures of my happy home? Thank heaven I’m naturally neat for it makes Randolph much easier.
I finished my third and last phase of night flying last night. It was beautiful. The temperature was about 75, and the sky was dotted with brilliant Texas stars. A few clouds of low scud provided contrast. I was reminded of a promise we made each other summer before last. I haven’t forgotten.
The first part of last night was devoted to making landings with wing tip lights. I did a little better this time than the last and made three fairly respectable landings.

Drawing from Cy’s 1.12.40 letter

Randolph is divided into two fields, A stage and B stage. The upperclass has one and the lowerclass has the other except for night flying. The upper class has both sides for this. Each stage is divided into four zones. The zones have upper and lower decks. Each ship is assigned a zone like upper two or lower four. The control tower directs operations by radio, bar and circle lights, or a spotlight. For wing tip landings, the lower zone is called in first. When he is clear, the upper comes down. For parachute flare landings, the procedure is reversed. Upper four is called, for instance. He climbs from 1500, his normal altitude, to 2000 ft. He then flies down the edge of the field, drops his flare at X, so located that the flare will drift over the field, cuts his engine, and glides in for a landing. As soon as upper four has left zone, lower four climbs to 2000 (from 1000) and gets set to drop his flare. The flares don’t provide much illumination, but they do give a place of reference. Since they cost $30 each, they only let us make one landing each. It was really great sport.
I had my semi-annual physical this morning and got through ok. Well, Toots, I’m still healthy. My cold and sore throat, which passed unnoticed, seem to be clearing up ok.
Oh me. Just looked at the gig list and I have fire more demerits! If I don’t pick up any more tomorrow morning, I shall only have two confinements next Saturday. I have two this Saturday too.
Time for lunch. I’ll see you later.
So you like the Digest. I thought you might. Of course, I expect to cash in on it too, later on.
It took me half an hour to figure out from whom Bill’s letter came, but I finally made the grade. Love Cy.