1940 February 5 Planning for Brooks Field after Graduation

Editor’s note:  One of the big hit songs of 1940 was Glenn Miller’s “In the mood”–click to listen:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teJfuKdzbOo


Randolph Field, Tx.

Hi Toots:

Guess we just don’t live right.  Some will get along just as well as I will, and yet if I hadn’t gone to college you’d have a ring too.  At the rate I’m going, you’ll probably get it about the time our youngest offspring gets out of college.

Forget your mother on the Wheaton trip and concentrate on Doris & Cliff.  They’re still my in-laws.

I liked the poem.  Graduation is yet so far away that I’m not even thinking about it.  From all indications, all of what’s now left of us will leave Randolph on the 12th.  The last half of the alphabet, including yours truly, is going to Brooks Field instead of Kelly.  If it works out that way, it will suit me fine.  Brooks is much closer to Cousin Annie Laurie’s than is either Kelly or Randolph.

Get this!  Ask Bill if I had an article in January Radio and what it was.  Was it that last short story I wrote?  I saw a copy of it, but didn’t see anything of mine in it.  They sent me a check and a letter and I wondered if it was a mistake or something!  Just wondered whether to thank them or to return it and razz them about making a mistake.  This surely shows how carefully I read RadioLet me know as soon as possible.

I spent the week-end at Annie Laurie’s.  We had our Randolph “Graduation Dance”.  Although I didn’t contribute, it sure was awful drunk out Saturday night.

My final grade in meteorology was 81, which isn’t so hot.  We have little to do now but fly and we haven’t flown since Wednesday.  It has been fogged in almost solid since then.  It cleared up at 10 this morning, but the field is so soggy we can’t fly until tomorrow.  That means 2 hours per day all the rest of this week.  I haven’t flown for so long I’m beginning to miss it.

That’s about all for now.  Be a good little girl.    Love, Cy.

P.S.  As soon as I get a chance, I shall get an application for duplicate copy of that insurance policy notarized and send it in.  Apparently there won’t be any trouble.