1939 November 26 The Kit Kat Klub

One of the hit songs of 1939 was “Moonlight Serenade” by Glenn Miller: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8zDQAOLVtM

Randolph Field
Hi Toots:
Gee, did I have fun last night and then got four letters this morning to make a lovely situation.
Ok on the simple-simon escorting you to the police stn. Nine cases out of ten, the big bold men back down when there is real work to be done, and the quiet chap steps in and does the job.
Frankly, I do wish you could find another place, but I suppose the situation would be the same anyplace. Try to stay near Spanky*, for I think a great deal of her and her family.
OK on the pictures Thursday. Better let me see the proofs, darling, for I’m kind of a funny guy. The towel suggestion for Nena sounds fine. Suppose you let me know what the cost will be and we’ll make some arrangements. Honey, even if the fellows go home for Xmas, I don’t think I had better make the trip. I don’t know the set-up in Arizona, but I do feel that if they** want me, that I should see them. I may not get the chance to spend another Xmas with John. As for Jack’s Xmas present, let’s let that ride for a while, but don’t let me forget it. Maybe I can figure out something and then let you get it. I think I shall be a little more settled now, and may get time to think a little.
We start in on our ground school tomorrow. Flying will continue as usual, but we won’t have as much drill.
Johny writes that “Q Measurements” won’t be in Dec. QST after all. It may appear later. Fortunately, I don’t particularly care.
Well, let’s see. First, don’t be jealous, for I missed you every minute of the time. But I did have a good time, and I think you will enjoy hearing about it.
We started out at the tea-dance, given by the local debs and their pals. It was a rather nice dance, held in the Gunter Hotel.

The Gunter Hotel, San Antonio, Tx

After that, Fleet and Don Niedhardt (Burt’s room-mate, also from Ohio, and awfully nice) had dates, as did Chuck Patton, an upperclassman from Curtiss. We had supper and then went out to the Kit Kat Klub. Me being odd man made it very convenient, for I could dance with anyone at the table and didn’t have to worry about being particularly attentive to any one person. All of the girls were of good families, half stenos and half college kids, so the entire business was congenial. Boggs was with us for a while, but then went over to another table and got in with a couple of instructors and a senator, who were touring the air defenses of the country! They had an extra girl in the party. At my suggestion, we got a bottle of Scotch and bought set-ups.

A photo of the Kit Kat Klub in 1946, San Antonio






This went on until about two or so, everyone having a swell time, with no suggestion even of funny stuff. After that, Fleet and Patton dumped off Don and I and another fellow we picked up, and took the two remaining gals, sisters, home. We loafed around the Hotel until four when they got back. Then we drove the seventeen miles to Randolph and hit the hay. Got up this a.m. without a trace of hangover.
The floor show was made up of kids about 8 years old. I felt badly about it, for they should have been home in bed, but it was cute. There was a little black boy that really went to town. He acted like a cross between Rochester and Step-n-fetch-it. Music was furnished by a nickelodeon, one of the most popular pieces being Orrin’s “Johnny” with Bonnie Baker.***

[Click here to listen to “Oh Johnny, Oh Johnny, Oh!”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7MgTUk82NA ]

Bonnie Baker

This afternoon was spent riding with Burt and Don and Tom.  The sun was out bright and clear.  Incidentally we had one of those full Texas moons last night, and what I’ve read about them is no bunk.  Gee, if I’d only had the right girl.  Speaking of which, report has it that your little boy does ok by himself on the dancing.  It sort of shocked me when I heard it, but the dancing I’ve done with you must have brought me back to par.  Also, there were numerous favorable remarks about holding one’s drinks.  Someday I’ll have to do something to remove the shadow of last New Year’s celebration.  That was the only time I ever got stinko in a big way.

Well, baby girl, I may be miles away, but I’m still with you. There was an awful lot of clean Texas glamour floating around last night, but didn’t seem to make much difference. It must be that I like you or something.
The weather here was quite cool, in fact cold. It was 48 degrees! That would feel warm to me up there, but I have a sweater on in the room now, if you can imagine that.
One of the gals last night works at Kelly Field. She said that the Army was putting a lot of men through MIT, but cast one shadow. According to her, from the contact she’s had in the A.C.**** I would be picked up for an instructor as soon as I graduated. It must stick out all over me, for that remark was made five minutes after I met her. If I’m any good as a flight instructor, my chances of getting out of it would be slim, for most men aren’t, and they are needed badly.
Darling I love you very much. Hold tight, and we’ll make the grade some day.

*From the context of the letter, I suspect “Spanky” may be a nickname for Marty’s room-mate, “Helen”.

**Cousins John and Blenda Fast.

***Orrin Tucker and his Orchestra with Bonnie Baker singing “Oh Johnny, Oh Johnny, Oh!”

****Air Corps