1939 November 25 Thanksgiving on the base


Randolph Field, Tx.

Hey Little Girl:

Don’t get excited about the policy.  I’m sure I can get a duplicate.

First, wait about a week until you find out what the score is and then give me the full details.

  1. Date stolen.
  2. Approximate time.

Above all, don’t worry about it.  It must have been an inside job, for no one else

could have gotten into the apartment.

Secondly, find out what a strong box at a convenient bank would cost. Are you sure there wasn’t any money in it and you weren’t left stranded?  Pay day is Thursday and I can wire you some if you need it.

Was the M.G. correspondence* in the box, or any other?  If not, and you have it, better do a little incendiary work on it.  That’s a ghost which probably won’t walk for a while.  I can’t imagine anyone being sufficiently interested in such things to have stolen the box for that reason.

Thanksgiving was the nuts.  We had a turkey dinner with all of the trimmings and I do mean “all”.  In addition, they gave each man a 2 lb. box of candy, pkg of cigarettes, and a cigar.  After dinner, we went into San Antonio for a while.  We saw “Espionage Agent”, which is a show you’d enjoy.  It is somewhat like our own situation, and well acted.

The pressure seems to be letting up a little.  We were issued our books this morning, had a review, and an inspection.

Just in case, I shall send this and all correspondence to the office.

What the hell does Willy mean—he helped me write the Q measurements article!  That’s one he didn’t hear about until it was completed.  Tell him thanks for fixing up the name business on the last gadget.

Lots of love, precious.  For goodness sake don’t worry about the policy, as it is replaceable.

Your own little boy, Cy.

*This would refer to letters to/from Margaret Graves, Cy’s girlfriend when he was in school at Purdue.