1939 May 3 “To hell with the postman”

I wonder how long I can hold out on the letter every other day business? I doubt if it will be long (10 minutes), although it probably will be better if we do it that way. I don’t know what I would do without one from you every day, so if this is too tough, we’ll say “to hell with the postman,” and I’ll write every day. I write every day anyhow, but I only mail them once every other day.
Fine business on the shorthand. Once learned well, it will be worth a good deal to you. I’m glad to hear that Fritz called when he got in. He’s nuts. I look keen. The light was just bad. I haven’t heard from Doc Maynard yet, but shall seem him when it’s convenient for him, and let you know how healthy I am as soon as he tells me.
I get a vacation this year. It will be the first week in August—July 30 to August 5th. I only get one week this year (with pay), and the date is set since the entire plant closes down that week. I can’t get over it. Of course, if hell should pop loose on some of the contracts, I might not get it, but that is a chance I have to stand. The chances of not getting it at that time are slim.
“Midnight” was a good show, although I am yet lost without you. It just doesn’t seem to be half as pleasant, no matter what I am doing.
I got a nice letter from Chucky yesterday, along with Mother’s. I hope he gets into the habit of answering his mail, for it is a grand hobby.
This month we’re even. I have a back ache too. In fact, after yesterday’s baseball, I ache all over. But it is a grand feeling to have again, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Lack of exercise is probably the only thing wrong with me.
On second thought, because of the vacation notice, I shall mail this today. Don’t say anything to the folks for they would want me to plan to be out there, and we may have better plans. I may mention it later after I figure a good out for any suggestions.
Take care of yourself, little girl. Your husband, Cy.