1939 March 1 “If you can wait, I guess I can”


Camden, NJ

Martha Darling:

Thanks for the letter.  I was quite tickled as I didn’t expect one until later in the week.

Ok on the postscript about specials.  I shall remember.  If I ever have to send one in a hurry I shall try to remember to put “deliver on south entrance.”

Honey bunch, I hope you get settled soon.  It is no fun being upset.  I know from damned bitter experience.  Well, there is one thing we can be thankful we don’t have to worry about.

If you can wait, I guess I can.  The ring suggestion is ok if you want it that way, but sometimes I just can’t stand not hearing you.  I don’t know what I would do without your picture.  As for the time and place, I would suggest that when we dice to make the phone call, you be at Huntoons.  Then you can get in the bedroom or Johny’s basement room and we can do a little better.  I shall probably confine myself to a phone booth at this end.  If we arrange it by mail, it can be a straight “night” call and we will save a little on it.  Maybe in a couple of weeks we can do something about it.

Your attitude towards the ring makes me awfully proud.

I’ve been reading the “Private Life of Helen of Troy.”  It is a damn clever book and has a lot of good stuff in it.  I shall probably send it or take to John, as I believe it will open a couple of new slants on love to him.  Then perhaps I shall send it to you.

Doris is swell to offer her house for the glad event.  But if we can do it out here, even though it will break a few family hearts, it would probably be much better.

Regards to Rae and “How” to Dotty.  I shall write her and Fritz a little later on.  Perhaps even this evening.

Huntoons must like you or something.  They have never taken anyone into the family that way before.  Of course, they raised me, which makes a difference, but I honestly believe they think as much or more of you.  Personally, I like it that way.  People ought to love you, although I draw a few lines on how they can show it, hi.  Conklin got a letter out of me today, so you needn’t even say hello to him.  I’m supposed to meet J.H. in NYC this week-end, and I haven’t a verification yet.  I shall write to him and ask him how come.  Hope he isn’t sick again.  If I expect to get my laundry out, I had better stop.  This letter is a mess, but it isn’t bad for 9 minutes.  I shall make corrections in pen.

Loads of love, Cy