1939 June 9 Rumors of Chicago Gangsters

6/9/39  Original letter:

Honey Child:

Two letters to answer.  (No, already answered one of them).  I’ve been neglecting you.

So you think the blankets will come in handy.  Darling, those things are going be with us a long time, everything from what we have already planned to family picnics, and probably some scouting for Johny* when he’s old enough.

I haven’t heard from JH for some time, and he owes me a couple of letters.  I’m going to send him a bottle of Alka-Seltzer, suggest he sober up, and write to me.

The riding pants are finally re-tailored and fit rather nicely.  I look like a cross between a Boy Scout and a Dutchman.  Speaking of Boy Scouts, while on the trip (I may have already mentioned it).  I had a little tussle with a rather heavy boy and sort of tossed him around a little.  He had planned on throwing me into the Delaware, but didn’t quite make the grade.  The story has been told all over the department and people are beginning to wonder if maybe there isn’t something to this Chicago gangster business after all.

Glad you let Charlotte K. slip past.  I know she has been a good friend, but I’m afraid of anything with that name.

The weather here is hot, and shows a promise of staying that way.

Gee, Darling, I hope you like it when you get out here.  I have been amazed at the ease with which one may live almost in the country and yet be within earshot of town.  I’ve been getting around a little lately.  Speaking of the wild west, there are actually spots in New Jersey that have not been completely explored by white men other than “Kentucky mountaineer” types of people!  I believe I told you that deer frequently wander into Aiken’s backyard during the winter.

The old joe is doing a little better these days.  I heard that the boss wants me to finish the project that I am on so that I can start another one.  This is a good sign, for the completion of the project upon which I have been working would be a nice logical place to give me the air if they were considering it.  For your sake, Darling, I hope I last out here.  We’ve a home to build for us and several others.

A little lonesome but definitely yours,  Cy

*I’m assuming it was Cy’s intention that if he had a son someday, he would name him Johny, after his  best friend.