1939 June 23 Reassurance from Marty

6/23/39  Original letter from Marty written on the back of Cy’s letter dated June 21, 1939.

Fri a.m.

Rec’d this at the office this a.m.  Glad you have cooled off on Nena—I am hoping tho that the folks will be able to get along ok.

Maw was writing to you when I arrived Sunday aft.

Guess John* gets his vacation the last week of August.  Unless something happens he will be in G.E.** He says he hasn’t the dough, but the folks are going to suggest that they help him (don’t mention it to him in case he hasn’t heard it yet).

Sweetheart, I shall write tonight or tomorrow so that you get a letter Monday.

I love you—dear,   Your Martha

*John Huntoon

**Glen Ellyn