1939 July 26 The Pennsylvania Railroad

I think the date is right. I’m all mixed up this week.
We have lots to talk about this time.
What do you mean, bus ticket? Let’s get this straight right now. You’re coming out on the train and sleeping in a lower. I don’t want any back talk on that. If you think for one minute that I’m going to let my darling spend about three days losing sleep on a damned Greyhound bus or any other kind, you’re a bad girl. I just called the Pennsy and the round-trip Pullman is $44.70 plus $11.60 for the lower birth. Total of $56.30. I have that much saved now, and shall have another $20 to add to it the end of this month. I think that will cover the week which you are spending here. You should go to the Chicago office of the Pennsy and see if there is a special weekly round-trip rate anytime during your vacation. There probably isn’t, but it may be worth looking into. It’s going to be mean that I can’t give you your ring until a little later, but I don’t want you to get out here all pooed out and have your vacation be one round of trying to stay awake.

Pullman Sleeping Car

I haven’t planned much, because I want mostly to be just with you. Must be love or something.
Let me know about the ticket as soon as possible. I shall then either get the ticket and send it to you by registered mail, or send you a Postal money order. If you think the latter best, please let me know what address to use etc. Have you enough identification to satisfy the Post Office? Is there a branch in your building or someplace where you are known?
This will also save all that New York business. Darling, I love you. Last time you came to see me, you went home to someone else. This time that isn’t going to happen and I want everything to be perfect for you.
Well, not much more. I’m damned tired. Humidity and temperature both about 95 today.
I yet don’t know where I shall spend my vacation. I shall try to get you the proper address so that I can get at least one letter, but I don’t know how it will work out. I shall write to you when I get a chance.
Just in case you haven’t guessed it, I love you.

Eddie “Rochester” Anderson

Hey! Saw Jack Benny in “Man About Town” tonight. Even if the Lamour is in it, you must see it. It is a scream. Might drag Mother to it if you can. Rochester is funny as hell. Cy.