1939 July 20 “A few of my friends must like you just a little”


Dear Martha:

I can see where this isn’t going to work so well.  I’m trying to write to you and sing “Clementine” at the same time.  Every once in a while I sing what I’m thinking, and I can hear Marje gasp downstairs. [See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCtVtk1cKbk ]

Boy, what a silly climate this place.  The humidity is so high that even if you are cold when sitting still, when you start to move you get overheated.  I nearly froze in the pool today, but have been uncomfortably hot while working.

The work went a little better today.  I feel like I actually earned my pay for a change.  Wish you were here for I feel like a little enthusiastic display of what I think of you.

Wait until I get through this pile of stale letters.  I want to make a couple of quotes.  Hold everything. . . . . From Miss Laura*, referring to MMW*, whoever that is, “. . . . .I could love her a lot if I only let myself, so, with your permission, here goes!”  And from cousin Blenda, “I think Marty is the tops.”  And also from Maw Huntoon, “was so happy to hear that Marty came though ok.”  So you see, precious, a few of my friends must like you just a little.

Heard today that I shall almost be forced to take my vacation on schedule, starting week after next.  I had hoped to stall it off until yours, but it doesn’t look so good.

Broadway Ave, Camden, NJ, 1920s-1930s

A couple of the fellows have a swell house out in the suburbs and want me to come out with them.  It would be a little cheaper on the surface, but might be too much RCA for me.  I shall not have to decide until September.  I hate to leave here, for Marje and Nana and their friends have been awfully nice to me.  The rent there would be $16 per person, per month ($17.30 here), $10 per week for breakfast and dinner, plus six meals over the week-end, and laundry about $1 per week against $2 the way I have it done here.  They have a housekeeper who saves enough out of the food money for phone bills etc.  Coal assessments generally cost a little extra in winter, but ice is electric.  I feel flattered, for they are known to be awfully particular about the fellows they ask in.  Incidentally, they have married off seven fellows in the past six years.

‘Stime to quit.  Just thought I’d drop you a line to hold you over the week-end.  This should arrive Saturday.

All the love in the world.  Cy

P.S. Hi Helen!

*Cy’s mother, Laura Stafford

**Mary Martha Willis (Marty)