1939 July 2 “You win a big battle, and I get the present!”


My Darling Wife:

Am I relieved to hear from you.  Since I got your letter and telegram on Friday I have been on pins and needles.  I was almost sure that your request not to telegraph or write was prompted by your clearing out of Wheaton, but not quite sure enough.  I was afraid something had gone wrong.

You’re an angel.  I’m so glad that we’ve passed this milestone.*  We have a couple of more to go, but this was the big one.  I wish I could have been there to look after things a little.  There really is no reason for it, but when I got the telegram, I just went weak all over.  I felt like I had just won a tough tennis match and was all poohed out.  Really, this has been your battle, and I’m proud of it.

One more point, and we will close this subject forever.  How do we stack up on the finances?  After tomorrow, I shall only owe John Fast $73.  I feel so much more like planning things now that you are mine and I know no one can bother you anymore.

Speaking of John, I didn’t know whether or not you let him know, so I telegraphed him (John Huntoon, of course) on Friday night that you had your clearance papers, although I didn’t use your name or initials in the telegram.

This present is getting me down.  You win a big battle, and I get the present!  It taint right.  Maybe we can do something about that this week.  The banks decided to close down on Saturdays for the summer, and I didn’t hear about it until Friday night.  Fortunately, I had $20 in Postal, for otherwise I should have spent the week-end on $2.  I didn’t cash my check when I got it last Wednesday.

The week-end has so far been glorious.  I hope yours has been the same.  Friday afternoon, I went swimming, and found Selby, the man with whom I work, waiting for me at the pool.  He is a very quiet person, and Ret rates him as the smartest young man in the department (he’s about 30).  After he left, I swam a little over a mile in the pool and then went home.  Your telegram was waiting for me, so I read it, had supper, and went to bed!

Yesterday, I went over to Philly to get the second pair of pants to my suit altered, and to again request the sample of goods.  I also found a pair of water-tite goggles for my distance swimming (the chlorine water wrecks my eyes when I am in for long periods of time at a single stretch) and a damned clever little bag for my swim suit.  It is black, a rubberized silk type of material, and of course, closes with a zipper.  Best of all, it is small enough to be convenient.  It took a couple of hours to find these, but they are worth it.

When I got home, Selby had been past and said he would drop by again.  About half an hour later he arrived and asked me to go down to the shore with him.  We got out to Seaside Heights a couple of hours later, and dove into the briny deep.  The place he picked is not the Atlantic City type, but is rather small and not too crowded.  The water was cold as hell, but I enjoyed it nevertheless.  It is the first time in salt water since I was 2 ½ years old.  The increased density of the salt water makes me float much better, and it is a lot easier in which to swim.  We got home about 7 PM.  On the way, we passed a giant dirigible hanger of the Navy at Lakehurst, N.J.  Boy, is that thing massive!

Dirigible Hanger at Lakehurst, New Jersey, Naval Engineering Station

The country through which we drove is quite wild, and should be good for some seclusive camping, if you get what I mean.

The moon was full last night and I took a long walk.  I hope you saw it too, for it was just made specially for us last night.

Today I am going swimming (for a change).  The sky is clear and cloudless and it is getting hot outside.

Darling, the tough part is over.  We don’t have to hide any more, and that is worth a lot to both of us.

I don’t know what I would do without my two pictures.  You sitting up there laughing at me when I feel blue and need a good kick, and Johny frowning down at me when I get a little out of bounds.  You know, once Mary Huntoon wanted to know why Johny and I didn’t get married!  I don’t know whether or not I told you, but she asked me last summer why we were stalling, cause she wanted some nieces and nefu’s!

The enclosure is something I clipped out about a week ago, and am finally remembering to send.  You see what you’re getting into?

So long for a few hours, darling.  Now you are mine and I’m damned proud of it.

Lots of love, Cy.

P.S. Glad you like stationery.

*Marty shared the news that her divorce from William Kennedy would be granted.  The actual Order was entered by the Court on July 13.