1939 April 30 The Parade

Editor’s note:  On 4/30/39, The NEW YORK WORLD’S FAIR opened. RCA Began experimental TV broadcasting through NBC in the New York area.  The fair ran until 10/31/40.

Am I a bad, bad boy! I started reading “Guns of Burgoyne” yesterday evening and finished it this morning, at 5 a.m.(daylight time)! But I slept until noon, so it wasn’t so bad. I then bathed and shaved and washed the old dome, and I feel like a new man—must be driven very slowly the first five-hundred miles.
Mrs. Brooks’ daughter, Emily, and her husband and three of the kids are in this morning. Two of the boys, about 10 and 12 each, passed judgement on you. They think it is a good idea, but like your recent pictures more than the 1936 one. So Darling, you see—even little boys think that you are growing more beautiful every day! I don’t see how you do it, but every time I see you, you are a little more irresistible than before. They stayed up in the room for some time, and I showed them my heavy mittens, flying helmet and goggles, and other things in which kids are interested.
I had a rather discouraging time yesterday. I watched a parade for over two hours, and didn’t see but one competent fighting man in the entire bunch.  Kate Smith’s “God Bless America,” may be a well needed prayer, rather than just another Irving Berlin masterpiece. [ Click to listen:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zF7a0wB-Lg ]

Kate Smith

I watched it from in front of Independence Hall. A plane overhead was dragging a streamer with “Stop Hitler” written across it. The parade was made up of National Guard troops, the field artillery being the only branch that looked like soldiers, Legionnaires, and Legion Auxiliaries and kids bands. The ex-soldiers were too damned old to be of much use outside of GHQ in the next fracas. The poor pimply-faced kids couldn’t stand up under a stiff campaign, and the N.G. troops were horrid. Then the plane flew its damned “Stop Hitler” over Independence Hall. The very birthplace of anti-imperialism being desecrated by a God-damned sign urging that America try to tell Europe how to run its affairs (for the benefit of America). Hitler’s answer to Roosevelt’s latest effort to embroil us in a general war certainly was one of the most masterful pieces of intelligent statesmanship which I have ever heard. In a word, he pointed out that America had once stood idly by and permitted the Allies to rape Germany, and he (Hitler) saw no reason to believe that they (Americans) wouldn’t do it again.

Well, Darling, let’s hope that the damned fool doesn’t get us into another mess like Wilson did. Of course, if he does, I shall in almost any case be kept right where I now am, since I am working on government receivers. But if such occurs, I shall be enlisted in the Army, stationed with the RCAM*, and draw pay probably at a private’s rate– $30 per month. All of this for the honor of my country and the same amount of work. As you can see, I am a little rabid on the subject.
Now that that is out of my system, the good part follows. I bought a pair of suede crepe-soled shoes I mentioned in the last letter. I had to go all over Philadelphia before I found them. Got them for $4.95 and also bought 6 pair of assorted blue, gray and black socks. Part of them are rayon and the rest are Lisle. I hope my baby girl likes them,
So Miss Lolly-pop is glad you have pretty eyes. Maybe you don’t realize it, but one of the biggest obstacles to our not having that little blue-eyed blonde is going to be Mother. I think she is planning on it rather heavily. She may not quite understand why we have to wait for a while.
The phone call will materialize as soon as I can make it, use your name, and not give a damn if it does go on the books. In other words, when you’re all clear. Darling, is it going to be as much of a relief to you as it is to me to be able to be open about loving each other? It has to go through ok.
Give my regards to Tommy when you write.

Well, pretty girl, I have to write mother and Maw, so I suppose I had best stop. I am going out to eat then, take in a show, “Midnight” with Claudette Colbert, and see the stage show, which features Tony Martin’s orchestra. Then I have to come home and study the theory of coupled circuits, whatever that is.
Take care of my wife for me. Love Cy.

*I believe this refers to “The RCA Manufacturing, Co.”