1938 May 17 Rendezvous

W. Lafayette, In.
Marty Dear:
I have been holding this letter until now as I didn’t know what I was going to do. Radio published an article of mine this month, and I should have heard from them by now. But since I haven’t, I am broke. I shall therefore not be up until Sunday the 29th. I hope it not too late to let your employer know so that she may invite her guests. I am sending this special delivery, and you should get it in the morning of the 18th. If I get a check from Radio in the mail tomorrow, I shall call you at noon and see if we can make arrangements for the week-end of the 22nd.
I’m awfully glad to hear what Nena has done. I didn’t suggest it, and you may rest assured that if she didn’t think a lot of you that she would never have seen you twice. But she is awfully good to my friends, especially when they are such fine people.
As concerns the trip, I shall probably hitch-hike up on Saturday afternoon, and may spend the night either with Johny Huntoon or my folks. If I do the later, they won’t know that I am not going home when I leave the house Sunday morning. I shall call you when I get in town if you think it wise and will send me your phone number. I will return on the train. As concerns the feed, let’s not decide until I find out how much I got for the last literary adventure. It should be fairly much as the article was over 3000 words, which is the longest they have yet published for me. This last article, although practically true, is not a technical one, but falls under the head of fiction.
I received a letter from them today telling me that another one of my articles, the last submitted, is being published soon. Then in addition to this, I have a 5100 word job that I batted out this week-end, which I think they will accept. I average about $3 per hour on this work, but I can’t keep it up for many hours per day. That is not including my time in re-typing the manuscript.
About the scrap. I was just pointing out a phenomena which has never occurred between yours truly and anyone but you. I can’t imagine scrapping with you, honey.
Unless I call you tomorrow, about 12:30 cst or 1:30 daylight time, I shall see you on the 29th.
88, Cy