1938 March 20 Eta Kappa Nu

Author’s historical note:  On March 12, 1938, Hitler executes peaceful invasion of Austria and begins crackdown on Austrian Jews.

One of the hit songs from 1938 was: “A-Tisket, A-Tasket” by Ella Fitgerald: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjJry0vhHj4



Marty Kid:

Should have written weeks ago, but am just getting around to it tonight.  Four of us took a twelve mile hike and that reminded me of the one we took together several years back.  Boy, do I feel ancient.

The army says I won’t go until July or later.  Between the two of us, I doubt if I’ll be able to pass the eye exam again, but there’s nothing like trying.  I’m not working any more, but just going to school on borrowed money.  I’ve gained back the ten pounds I lost recently and two pounds extra.  The hard part is that I have two weeks of school to make up.  If I don’t get into the army, and I’m afraid now that I won’t, I shall finish school on the loan business and get back to work then.

I’ve been able to pickup a few dollars on my writing, and I intend to continue.  I have an article coming out in the April RADIO, and another one which they will probably accept and publish in May.  This will help a little.

I guess Margaret and I can’t do anything about it for a while, but we haven’t given up the idea by a long shot.  I suppose I’m being childish, but she’s just too sweet, and too good a sport, and loves me too much for me to try to plan anything now without including her in it.  She’s not flashy, Marty, and I know you two would love each other.  My Mother has only seen her once, and has invited her to spend two weeks in Oak Park next summer.  Incidentally, Mother sends regards to youse guys and wishes you luck.  Pop yet remembers your putting your arm around him, although you’ve probably forgotten it.

I’m so tired I can’t think very rapidly.  Took a ten mile hike yesterday.  Scared Sis (Margaret) today climbing several towers to get some pictures for the fellow who was with us.  Some of them should be good, and I may send copies if they come out well.  Sis counts on me so much now that she is about as nervous about me as my Mother would be, which is plenty.  But I imagine she will get used to the idea of my being half ape someday.

I was elected to the national EE honorary last week, ETA KAPPA NU, and will be initiated this week.  Also 25 bucks for fees.  Oh nuts.  More money.  But it’s worth it.  Industrial prestige and that sort of thing.  Wish I could make the honorary research fraternity while I’m yet an undergraduate.

Well, I must to bed.  Good luck and keep your chins up.  Hope the flood didn’t get at you.

73,  Cy

*Editor’s note: I have been unable to confirm the meaning of “SDP” as used here, but I suspect it means “Special Delivery Post”.  If anyone reading this has better information, please let me know.