1938 January 20 “Backing for school has come through”


January 20, 1938 Original Correspondence


Dear Marty:

I feel like a steno.  I have been typing steadily for the past hour with no let up for anything.  The new ribbon inspires me.  I also had a bunch of letters to answer.

The necessary backing for school has come through as I expected it to.  I am to continue on some of the previous work and also new work which will develop in a few weeks.  I’ll be kept busy as many hours as I can work, although the work will probably be on something other than that which I have been doing.  I’m ready for a rest now, as the boss got flu about two weeks ago, and just as he got over that, his aunt died.   She certainly was a grand person.  She was the first woman to receive a Doctor’s degree from Purdue, the first woman to be admitted to the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium, and is accredited with numerous important discoveries in cytology.  She is ranked along side of Madame Currie.  Although she has received all of this honor and recognition, she is a grand person.  I knew her slightly, having spent three afternoons with her.  And yet I felt more at home than I do in my own room.  Well, you wouldn’t be interested because my description cannot do her justice and you’d have to know her to realize what a wonderful person she was.

So you’re on your own.  Nice going, youse guys.  I suppose I’m nuts, but I’ve wanted to get married so badly at times that I was almost willing to give up college and everything for it.  I can’t imagine anything nicer than a home of my own.  Well, I suppose I’ll get there.

Don’t worry about the picture.  That’s the expression the boys in the Post Office bulletins have, so I thought I had better too to keep in character.  Really, I’m quite pleased with the world just now.  I got an A in my most important course and didn’t have to take the final.  Wrote 21 pages on my history final this morning.

Webb’s little girl calls him “Popeye.”  That’s about the only news I have from home.  Don is getting along fine.  I naturally don’t hear from any of the girls you knew.

I went to the Northwestern PU basketball game last week and saw us win by something or other.  The game is the first athletic contest I have attended since I came here.  I have to buy the tickets when I register, so I suppose I might as well enjoy them. It was a good game.

Must quit to study.  Good luck on the housekeeping.  I have a couple of good recipes if you need them.  Had dinner at the Bohemia* (where I took you—same table) with Margaret last night.  She turned up sick today.  Hope there’s no correlation.

73,  Cy.

*I believe this would have been “The Klas Bohemian Restaurant”  at 5734 West Cermak Ave, Chicago.  Cy’s comment indicates he had been there with Marty previously and that Margaret Graves was probably visiting him in Oak Park over the Christmas break.  See: https://achicagosojourn.wordpress.com/category/commercial-strips/cermak-road/