Background Profile for Mary Martha Willis


Mary Martha Willis, (“Marty”), was born to a Mae Dittmore in Chicago in April of 1914.  She was immediately adopted by James C. and Elizabeth M. Willis.  She grew up in Wheaton, Illinois and attended Wheaton Central High School.  Marty had a strained relationship with her parents, especially her mother, who Marty described as being very anti-social, and judgmental of others as well as being consumed by Astrology.  Marty left home at the age of 19 and was soon married to William P. Kennedy.

Marty age 16

Marty and Buddy met during their high school years and became good friends.  She was two years older and seems to have been something of a big sister to him initially.  After Buddy went to Purdue, Marty stayed in touch and confided in him when she began to have problems with her marriage.  At that time, Buddy was dating a 16 year-old girl named Margaret Graves and he sought relationship advice from Marty.  When the relationship with Margaret began to sour, Buddy and Marty increasingly relied on each other for support.  Torn by his love of engineering, his dream of being a writer, and his need to obtain an advanced degree and have an income, the pull of possible military service, Buddy found he had to make difficult choices.  The closer he tried to be to Marty, the further away he would end up.

Marty (3rd from left) with friends, probably about 1932