1939 October-November From Chicago to San Antonio

Editors Notes:

From “My Life. . . My Way”, Charles F. Sharrard, Jr., p. 218

There is no correspondence between Cy and Marty from about August 6 to November 14, 1939.  Since he is back in Chicago and able to see Marty occasionally, and probably talk on the phone more frequently, there was no need to write.

10/12/39. Nazi soldier Adolf Eichmann, one of Hitler’s commanders, begins the deportation of Jews (aka the Holocaust) from Austria and Czechoslovakia to concentration camps in Poland.

10/19/39: Herman Goring begins the systematic looting of possessions, artwork and valuables from the Jews and conquered countries.

11/1/39: German Luftwaffe demonstrates the first jet powered airplane.

Messerschmitt Me 262; First operational jet airplane

11/6/39: First commercial TV station begins operating in New York.

11/8/39: From Wikipedia: Nov. 8, 1939 – Chicago Attorney Edward O’Hare was shot to death by two unknown gunman who drove alongside his car while O’Hare drove down Ogden Avenue. Apparently, O’Hare double-dealt the Outfit by managing some of its affairs and also by feeding information about the Outfit to authorities for years. O’Hare’s son, Edward Henry “Butch” O’Hare, who became “the Navy’s first flying ace” and a Medal of Honor recipient in World War II, became the namesake for Chicago’s O’Hare Airport sometime after his father’s death and during the initial airport building stages in late 1943 or early 1944. The name proposal was suggested by Chicago Tribune publisher Colonel Robert R. McCormick, who had been part of the Illinois National Guard, which served a tour of duty in Europe beginning in 1917, during World War I.

Also on this date, there was an assassination attempt on Hitler, but he leaves eight minutes before the bomb explodes.

Cy has now completed his three-month basic training at Glenview Naval Air Station and is now directed to report at Randolph Field, Texas, near San Antonio.

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