1939 April 26 “You little dickens!”


Hi Darling:

Boy, do I have a lot of studying to do tonight.  I am getting to a tough spot on my development work, and I shall have my hands full.

I celebrated my birthday by re-writing and typing a short story.  I shall send it someplace tonight and pick up another rejection slip.

The clothes sound swell.  Hope the zipper up the front is reserved for my use? (%#)?????  It had better be.  Also applies to the buttons.

You little dickens!  So you dragged your pappy around to see my folks.  Leave it up to you to pull something like that.  How did things go?

The New York trip sounds swell now.  One of the fellows says I get a weeks vacation this year, although I doubt it.  That might be worked in someway also!

Sorry to hear about Em Squires.

Darling, this is a hell of a letter after not writing for two days, but I just can’t write any more.  If I did, it wouldn’t sound right, for I am tired and miss you more than I ever have before.  Why I should suddenly feel this way, I don’t know.  But I want to be near you very badly.  For no good reason, I would like to bawl on your shoulder.

Well, Sweetheart, with that cheery little paragraph I shall sign off.  I would like to take a hike in the rain tonight, but I am afraid I shall have to study.  When I get out that way, I can almost feel that you are right next to me, and that makes me a much more happy little egg.  Night, precious.  Wish you were going out to dinner with me tonight, and maybe a dance or something afterwards.  Guess I am just lonesome after all the company last week.  Love Cy.

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