1944 November 14: You act like I don’t want to come home

11/14/44 V-Mail



            What do you mean—did I ever ask to go home.  You act like you thought I didn’t want to.

            Honey, let’s get it all straight.  In spite of the horseshit you hear back there, roughly 1% of the people here go home per month.  There are three ways of going home other than in a combat unit on 30 day leave:

  1. Incompetent professionally
  2. Incompetent physically or psychologically
  3. Return for a specific mission

So long as I see kids walking around from 5th Army with 5 of the new service bars, I can’t feel very sorry for myself.  #3 is the answer and I’m naturally keeping my eyes open.

            I am sending off the Christmas box tomorrow.  I till be in two installments.  One contains 13 pieces and is for you.  The other has a silk and a wool scarf for Nena & Mother, and also a blue gadget for you.

            Merry Christmas.  Love Cy

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